Alec Volturi | Hell Hath No Fury (II)

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By : avyannadawn | Tumblr

Pairing: Alec Volturi x Female Reader

Warning: talk of witches; fire; fluff


Two full moons had long since passed since your father had, in-kind words: disposed of you. You had reluctantly agreed to the betrothal, dreading the day you were to be no more but property to a man yet this didn't seem to be the case. Your husband, Alec, had not once forced you into anything of any kind, sure you were required to share a room but the two of you had stayed up talking. Mindless chatter being swapped in the form of childhood stories and memories.

You never thought that the day you were to be wed was the day you would make a friend, or two. Jane had loathed you the moment you had arrived, her refusal to talk to you only dispersing after you were required to walk into the town square.

"Jane, why is everyone staring?" You spoke gently, your eyes flitting over all the scowls and heated looks other villages threw your way. "Ignore them."

As the two of you walked deeper into town, the stares had turned into whispers, whispers fading into loud statements of disapproval. "Y/n, keep walking," Jane spat hurriedly, her glare penetrating anyone who now even glanced at us. She started to pull you along, her hand wrapped tightly in your own as she led you through town.

Jane stopped abruptly, causing you to knock your shoulder against her own. You stepped next to her, Jane's hand now gripping your hand with such force you were sure it would look purple afterwards. An old man stood in front of Jane, his dirty withering hair and ratted clothing giving off a horrendous scent. The man's eyes were solely fixed on Jane's, a yellow-toothed grin lighting his face up in the worst way possible. "Ah, I see the witch is back." He turned his head down, spitting at the ground in front of us.

Jane remains impassive, her demeanour as calm as it was in the house, though her eyes held such rage it could have left the man crumbling. Confusion rattled you, confusion and disgust. His eyes shifted to you, glinting ever so slightly. "And who are you, darling? I don't think it would be wise for someone as pretty and innocent as you to be conversing with a witch such as he-"

The man's eyes locked onto the rings on your finger, his body tensing as he snarled. It seems as if the entire town had frozen, their eyes moving with the man's, transfixed by the silver bands adorning your finger. The black and red gems glistened in the sombre sunlight.

"Ah, your one of them?"

"One of what, might I ask?" You replied with a smile, baring your teeth ever so slightly.

"A witch," he gasped, repeating himself, clutching his chest as if it burned him to say. Jane tensed from beside you, her shoulders going rigid as she adjusted her grip on the bag of silver coins, clutching it tightly.

Turning to your sister in law, you tilted your head, silently questioning her. Hesitantly she nodded, eyes growing dim as she watched for your reaction.

The realisation had dawned on you. That is why your father sent you so urgently. After the accusations against you being a witch had surfaced he had sold you to a family of them. Not that you were complaining.

Turning back to the man, you shot him your sweetest smile, clasping your hand over Jane's forearm. "Maybe, maybe not." You spoke with such certainty the entire town stepped back. "But even if I were, darling. It's not like I would tell you."

You pulled Jane away as soon as the words left your mouth. Walking back through the village, Jane by your side, grinning from ear to ear. Her eyes shining as she looked to you with appreciation swirling in her gaze.

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