Alec Volturi | Hell Hath No Fury (III)

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By : avyannadawn | Tumblr

Pairing: Alec Volturi x female Reader

Warning: talk of hangings; fluff; heavy fluff


Alec, Jane and yourself laid within the field, shoulder to shoulder with each other as you gazed up at the passing clouds.

"Oh! That's a bunny! Look at its cute little tail." Alec's voice mimicked one of a baby as he pointed up above. You couldn't help but laugh, your body shaking as you watched Jane sit up from beside you, her head leaning over you as she looked at her brother. Her face scrunched up with confusion and disgust. "Are you blind, brother? That looks like a demented horse."

Silence eloped all of you as Alec then sat up too, now at eye level with his sister. You watched from the floor, you sitting between them as they leaned over you to glare at one another. "I believe it's you that looks like a demented horse, sister."

Jane's eyes narrowed as she glared at her brother. You tried your hardest to stay silent from beneath them but you couldn't. You snorted a laugh as the twins fired meaningless insults back and forth. Alec chuckled too, his eyes softening as he looked down at you.

Your eyes widened as you spotted another blotchy cloud. "Oh! That one looks like an ogre and a dragon's offspring!"

The twins' eyes snapped from you to the sky. Jane let out a gasping laugh as she clutched her stomach, her green irises sparkling with joy. "Oh, God it does! It looks like your darling husband!"

Alec's laugh was cut off as he stuck his tongue out, "may I remind you that you shared a womb with said husband. Thank you. And Y/n's extremely grateful to be married to someone as lovely as I."

The three of you felt as if your lungs were breaking as you continued to laugh. You sat up, gripping Alec's hand as you attempted to steady yourself. "Yes, I'm extremely grateful. My darling Witch, what would I do without you?" You feigned innocence as you leaned back onto Jane, the back of your hand on your forehead. "I suppose I could always marry Jane. Blondes have always been a preference of mine."

Jane hugged you from behind, her head on your shoulder. The two of you looked up at Alec who didn't seem amused in the slightest. "Oh, I would be honoured to be your wife, Y/n. Don't we look cute together, brother?"

A ghost of a smile played at the corners of his lips. He could help but smile, seeing his sister and yourself getting along. Seeing the two people he loved most like one another, was more than he could have ever have asked for.

He never planned on loving you in the first place. He had heard of what happened to partners when they found out their partner was a witch. They always ended up hanging themselves, ridden with disgust with the person they were bound to.

But no, not you. You had knocked every grudge and wall he had up against marriage. And you are your gifted soul wormed your way into his heart, faster than he would have ever liked to admit. But he would change it for anything.

You turned and smiled up at Jane, but her gaze was elsewhere her expression hardening. "Alec..."

Alec snapped out of his daze, looking to his sister. He followed her gaze and stiffened, drawing in your attention. You all looked at the line of trees beyond the field. And standing there stood a cloaked figure. The black of his cloak draped off of him like liquid shadows as he walked onto the field and made his way to you three.

"Is it him again?" It was Jane, her voice weary as she clutched you tighter. "Yes. Stay here Jane, if anything happens, I want you and Y/n to run to the house. Okay? You know what to do." Jane only nodded in response as she watched her brother rise and walk to the figure.

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