Carlisle Cullen | Mr. I want to suck your blood (III)

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By : it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream | Tumblr

Warnings: Violence/swearing

Word count: 1,250

-Carlisle's POV-

No. No. NO. How could this be happening? You were supposed to be up in the mountain. Carlisle screamed out in pain and anger as he watched you convulse in his arms. His mind went blank. He was a Doctor, he should be able to save you. But his mind, it was just blank. He'd frozen.

Edward was shaking Carlisle's shoulders. "Carlisle make a choice! She hasn't got long." The older vampire seemed to snap out of it when he heard your breathing start to falter. He watched as you rolled your face into his stomach, hugging him tightly, begging for death.

"She's too young to die. What have I done?" Carlisle couldn't think, he blamed himself in that moment. This would have never happened if you weren't his mate. You'd be safe, doing what normal teens did. "She hasn't had enough time. She hasn't chosen to turn yet." Carlisle made the choice for you. He tilted you in his arms, sweeping your hair away from your bleeding neck, he latched his teeth over the newborns bite mark and started to suck away the venom.

Carlisle could hardly hold himself back. Your blood was unlike anything he'd ever tasted. He needed you alive, but he didn't know if he could stop this time. His self-control was normally the best of them all. He had to find his will again, it hadn't been long since you fell into his life and he'd be damned if you were going to leave it when he'd only just found you. Or maybe, leaving him was the safest thing? He unlatched his teeth and shook his head, his thoughts clouding his mind. He just needed you to be alive. He looked closely at the colour of your veins. The bright red venom veins had faded back to their normal blue. He'd done it. He kissed your forehead and cradled you in his blood covered arms, afraid to let you go.

Before he had a chance to decide what to do next he heard Alice shouting across the battle field. "They're coming!"

The wolves left just before the Volturi arrived, Jacob had been injured , Esme had found a newborn hiding in the tree line, she was different from the rest, and Y/N was passed out in Carlisles arms.

Well, this would be interesting.

-Alice's POV-

Dear Diary,

It's been two days and Y/N still hasn't woken up. It's like Bella and James all over again! I've never seen Carlisle so lost and broken in all my time as a vampire.

How could she be so reckless?! I mean, I love her, she's my best friend but I will be having serious words with her when she finally wakes up! Seeing Carlisle standing there with her limp, bleeding body in his arms is something I hope to never see again.

After Carlisle had sucked the venom out of her system, he didn't have enough time to leave with her before THEY arrived. The vision came all to quickly, somewhat delayed, I didn't give enough warning time. Maybe I would have seen what happened to Y/N, if I hadn't been surrounded by the wolves.

The wolves had ran just in time, as Jane and the rest of the Volturi Guard strolled through the forrest in a cloud of fog.

The first thing I noticed was Jane looking at Y/N. No doubt wondering why Carlisle Cullen was holding a human in his arms. Then, she noticed Bella, who was standing slightly behind Edward, tears streaking down her face. She probably wondered why she was still human. Lastly, Jane's eyes trained on the newborn who coward behind Esme.

It was awful. Jane ordered the newborn to be 'Delt with' and we all know what that means. Her head was taken off in one foul swoop. That happened. We didn't even get to know her name. The Volturi were ruthless. Jane then decided to bring up the fact Bella hadn't been turned yet and then after that, is when she got to the elephant in the room. Well. Forrest.

Carlisle explained that Y/N was his blood singer. She had sacrificed herself in order to save him. Jane had somewhat admired the humans bravery, but still let them know the Volturi always have the last say on everything, she would inform Aro of Carlisle's news. She even went the extra mile and told Carlisle he shouldn't have bothered saving Y/N. "Aro will want to see her change like Bella, if she was to be part of your coven." Carlisle didn't like that, but to save more conflict he brushed the comment off and the Volturi left.

Now were all here Diary, sitting around, waiting for the moment Y/N wakes up.


I wish. I wishhhhh. I WISH someone would turn off that fucking beeping sound!

Your eyes opened slowly and you took in your surroundings. Jesus Christ everything was blurry, where were your glasses? You went to grab them from your bedside table but nope. Not your bedside table. You looked around the room. Definitely not your bedroom either.

"Hello, is anyone around?" You could only assume you were at the Cullen's, they would be able to hear you, even if you spoke in a whisper. You were right. A brunette ball of sunshine came bounding through was a tray of water and a grin on her face. "Esme." You smiled at the small women, happy to see a familiar face.

"Y/N, welcome back to the land of the living, we were wondering when you'd wake up." She helped you adjust your pillows to sit more comfortably. You reached for the glass of water and hissed slightly as you accidentally tugged on the IV line in your arm. That's when you really started to take in your surroundings. Although you were in a normal bedroom, you now realised you were hooked up to several machines, you looked down and also noticed someone had changed your clothing. Then you thought of something that filled you with dread.

"Esme, where's Carlisle?! Is he okay is everyone okay, oh god the newborns!" Your heart monitor started beeping rapidly as Esme tried to calm you down.

"It's okay Y/N, He's okay, Alice Carlisle and Edward are out hunting, they had to eat they've been here every day since the fight." You tried to steady your breathing. He's okay.

"Don't move okay, I'll be right back. You nodded your head and took slow, small sips of water. How long had you been out? You searched for your phone but you couldn't find it. You continued drinking your water but almost choked as your sister came running through the doors. Seeing Bella standing there made the dams break and floods of tears rolled don your face as you sobbed. She gently climbed onto the bed, lying next to you and took you in her arms making shushing noises while stroking your hair.

"Bells i'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking, I panicked! Please don't be mad." She rocked with you back and forth and your sobs started to dwindle, you felt yourself calming again.

You had so many questions, you had so many emotions, for some reason you felt a sense of dread. You were still human? Why didn't Carlisle let you turn? Before you could ask anything you stopped. Your eyes widening as a golden angel stood in the wooden door way to your room.



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