Felix Volturi | Soft Alphabet

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By : avyannadawn | tumblr


A - Affection (how/when do they show affection)

He's not very open about affection at the start of your relationship but would always embrace and give you a small kiss on the cheek when in public. Now, even though always keeps up the stoic facade when around everyone else, he's always got your hand clasped in his own, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb in soothing circles. His cold glare still intact even when he leans down to place a kiss on your lips before abiding by Aros orders during the trial.

It's only when he's alone with you that he allows himself to drop the whole hard, cold exterior. Wrapping his arms around you, peppering your neck with soft kisses as the two of you watch tv or read.

B - Balance (how do they balance you, work/school/life?)

He waited for over two millennia to meet you, spending a lot of time thinking you were already dead or just simply didn't exist. So when Felix finally finds you, he spends every extra time by your side. So he balances your relationship and his job exceedingly well. Always making time for you but also doing his job. He never lets what he does get in the way of your relationship for it is one of the most precious things to him.

C - Cuddles (do they enjoy cuddling? what positions?)

Heart eyes. The idea of your tiny (doesn't matter what size you are, compared to him you are tiny) body underneath or on top of his in a tight embrace makes his unbeating heart race. When the two of you watch tv together on the couch, Felix is always lying on top of you, his head on your chest as you weave your fingers through his hair. The steady beat of your heat mixed with the sleepy sensation of having you play with his hair could ebb him to sleep.

He adores it when you lay on him at night, feeling the warmth of your face in the curve of his neck as you sprawl your limbs over him. Draping an arm over you as he watches you sleep is his own personal heaven.

D - Date (what was your first date?)

Felix took you somewhere secluded. Being as old as he Is and getting to travel the world for his job, he finds many jaw-dropping places and now he has you to show them off to. So when he asks you on a date, he takes you to this small waterfall he found deep within the forest, the flowery meadow adjacent to it was cut in half by the stream trailing from the lake of the waterfall. He brought a few snacks for you to eat and sat the two of you down on a blanket and just talked. You laid your head on your shoulder as the two of you traded stories; Felix's past memories of all the places he's visited and your background, telling him a few childhood stories.

E - Excited (how excited do they get when they see you/are with you?)

Felix is a very stoic guy and not even the kings can see past his emotionless expression half the time, but that cold glare melts in an instant when he walks into your shared room. The cold demeanour he puts up drops into one of warmth and tranquillity when he's in your presence and he craves being with you. Working all day isn't that bad when he knows he always gets to see you afterwards. He views it as a reward, to come home and wrap you tightly in his arms.

This sometimes leads to him gazing off to the distance with a ghost of a smile painted on his lip, excitement bubbling inside him. "Felix, what are you smiling at?"

"fuck off, Demetri."

F - Fighting (what happens when you fight)

Felix despises fighting. It's so unnecessary in his opinion. The two of you are going to have different opinions on various things simply because you're from two different eras so your outlook on things is going to be different than his. But he loves that about you, it's just your stubbornness on said opinions that frustrates him, especially if it's putting you in harm's way.

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