The Volturi | Night Antics

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By : like-rain-or-confetti | Tumblr


The Volturi weren't accustomed to humans like the Cullen's were and you were painfully bored. Therefore you decided you'd create your own entertainment, as the Volturi always demanded you did.

You were the only human who had ever slept in their presence.
Naturally, it wouldn't take long to figure out that your heart slows down when you sleep among other physiological changes. So your idea was extremely time sensitive.

You decided you'd 'sleepwalk' around the castle at night and see where it took you. You remembered what it was like to see a family member sleepwalking so you knew what to aim for...whilst taking it to a whole other level.

You went to bed at ten thirty at night and waited silently for an hour. That was when you got up and began to wander aimlessly. You swallowed down every bit of excitement that flooded through you, making sure to keep your heart rate steady. You had to commit to it if it was going to work.
You passed Santiago, reading a book in one of the many rooms of the castle. He didn't even acknowledge you as you passed.

Your wandering led you to the tower. You weren't allowed up there and it wasn't where you were aiming for.
Before you stood Afton, how looked at you with slight confusion. Whereas, you didn't look directly at him, staring at the door with skepticism.
"(Y/N)?" Afton asked.
You turned your head towards the wall to your left, slowly pressing your hand against it.
Suddenly you huffed quietly, turning around and walking away. Leaving Afton even more confused than he was before.

Instead of taking a right from your room, you took a left and that was where the fun had began. It was hard to believe you had been left to wander for so long but that made the experience even more thrilling. You knew a few would hear you coming before seeing you after all. So knowing that no one had come to you yet made the possibilities endless. You could hear the TV in one of the living rooms and that was when you knew you had located someone. You wandered in.

It was Felix and Demetri who were sitting and watching the sports channel.
Felix turned to you. "Hey, (Y/N). I thought you went to bed?"
Oh Felix. He had really set himself up with that one. You looked around in thought. Before your eyes landed on the TV remote on the coffee table in front of them. Both Felix and Demetri's eyes followed you waiting for a response. However, you hadn't given one, completely ignoring them and reaching for the remote. You pointed the remote to the TV ferociously clicking the same button. The TV got quieter until it went on mute. Felix spared a look to Demetri who looked just as confused as Felix felt.
Your gaze suddenly snapped to the window. "Gerard, you're going through a lot. I get it but you can't talk to people like that! I put on the fishing channel for you!" "Who's Gerard?" Felix mumbled to Demetri who shook his head, staring at you like you had grown another head.
They continued to watch as you peered at the window, moving in front of it.
"Why are you watching me? You're weird." You spoke to the window one last time and stormed out the room.
Demetri blinked as Felix cast another look to him, after you left the room.
"Have they gone mad?" Demetri raised an eyebrow.
"Well, I have to see where this is going." Felix said as he rose to a stand. Demetri nodded. "As do I."

When you saw you were about to pass the twins, you made a beeline, colliding into Jane's back. It felt like you had ran into a brick wall.
She turned to you with a dark looks, Alec's expression just as cold.
Before she annihilated you with her gift and the joke was over, you blurted out. "Who put that wall there!?"
Suddenly their expressions faltered, a flash of confusion striking their faces before sending each other a look.
You walked by her, suddenly walking quickly with purpose. The now four guards looked at each other.
"We think they've gone mad." Felix told the twins.
"They think I'm a wall." Jane responded.
"Yes, they were also speaking with someone named Gerard." Demetri nodded. "Who is...?" Alec pressed.
"We have no idea." Felix responded. "They were talking to a window."
Jane huffed. "They're our responsibility now. We need to know what they're doing." The distant giggle they heard didn't have them hopeful.

Felix and Demetri's eyes widened when you put a pot on your head and a spatula in your hand. You turned to the empty corner of the room.
"I know." You said simply. You moved to the table seemingly counting places. Suddenly you gasped. "Marcus, don't sit in the freezer! Aro told me to look after you!"
Felix suddenly laughed, as though unable to contain it any longer.
"(Y/N), what are you doing?" Jane asked flatly. You didn't respond, instead staring hard at the microwave beside you as though you'd never seen one before.
"We can't allow this." Alec said finally. At the same time, you moved towards the cabinet. Before you could open it all the way, Alec pushed it shut. You repeated the motion to open it and once again Alec pushed it shut. When you tried again, Alec held the cabinet door shut. You stared at the cabinet as though it had deeply offended you.
In silence you held up your middle finger to the cupboard.
Felix laughed again as Demetri's and Jane's eyes widened.
Alec took the pot off of your head and the spatula from you.
"I think we should consult Carlisle." Demetri said delicately."
"Cool." You shrugged to the empty space beside you before hurrying off again with a giggle.

Felix and the twins followed you and finally you had found the throne room. Caius and Marcus were torn from conversation, turning to look at the four of you for explanation. You offered nothing. Instead, you stared at them, stunned. "Masters, forgive us." Jane said, her eyes moving between the two leaders and you. "(Y/N) has been acting strangely and we aren't certain what to do." "Demetri is calling Carlisle now since he has more experience with humans but they don't seem to be very aware of us." Felix added.
"They seem aware of us now." Caius said with skepticism, both leaders meeting your gaze with scrutiny.
"That's the impression master. However my brother has just had to take a pit off their head and a spatula they were wielding like a weapon. They bumped into me and thought I was a wall. Demetri and Felix told us they also spoke to someone who doesn't seem to exist as they certainly weren't there." Jane responded. Caius sighed, his hand covering his face.

You kept your gaze on Marcus, grumbling incoherently looking disgruntled.
"Why didn't you call me?" You asked him.
Marcus didn't respond but it got both leaders looking at you once more as Caius lifted his head.
Suddenly you looked down your top. "Oh...that's painfully average."
"What on earth is this?" Caius slightly taken aback.
Felix looked to Marcus. "Master is now a good time to mention you've to not sit in the freezer? Aro sent (Y/N) to look after you."
It was enough to get the leaders on board with what was happening. Their guards were out of their league. However the two doubted the help they could be too.

Caius and Marcus stood up.
Caius marched forward. "(Y/N), that is enough. Stop this nonsense."
Poor Caius, if only he realised that isn't how it worked.
As Marcus moved closer, you spoke again. "Oh great, the Russian Revolution is here...wait, why did you take my hamster?"
That was when Demetri returned. "Masters, I just got off the phone with Carlisle. I described their current condition and he believes it to be 'sleep walking'."
Caius scowled at Demetri. "Meaning?"
"If I understood correctly, (Y/N) is currently asleep isn't completely aware of their surroundings. They're dreaming." Demetri replied smoothly.
"Do we wake them?" Marcus asked quietly, catching you before you could walk away.
"If we do, we have to be very gentle about it. Although, Carlisle suggests that we can simply walk them back to bed. It's likely they'll just stay there."
"Caius is my dad?" You gasped to no one in particular.
Caius huffed. "Take them back to bed then."
Jane nodded. "Yes, Master."

Jane and Demetri were the ones who took you back to bed.
You grumbled a random statement throughout such as requiring sprinkles, or a squid for science.
Demetri guided you back into the bed, putting the covers over you. You tried to kick them off in a bizarre display if trying to fight the covers.
However Demetri was quick to coax you into relaxing. You exhaled in defeat, rolling onto your side, turning your back to Jane and Demetri.
After a minute of making sure you were okay, they two left.
You smiled to yourself, unable to determine that this most certainly would be the last time.

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