Paul Lahote | Your Voice

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By : imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl | Tumblr

Pairing: Paul Lahote X Reader

Word count: 1.4K

Requested by : Hi I was wondering if I could request a Paul Lahote imagine? Something where my voice or touch calms him down? If you can't that is totally fine just ignore this request. Thank you for your works!


It's almost an hour past midnight but you're still trying to fall asleep. The fact that you're picking up your phone every ten minutes isn't helping one bit. The unanswered text you sent Paul is making you just a tiny bit worried. He never does that. The only time he left a text unanswered was on the hours before the campfire when he told you about the werewolf thing. Or shapeshifter, as he prefers.

Tossing around for the hundredth time, you get up with a groan, decided to let it go. Paul is strong, and he has a whole Pack with him. He's fine. He probably went on patrol and forgot his phone at home, what happened several times before. So, since you're bored half to death, you go downstairs to the kitchen to make yourself a sandwich and see if you can find something on TV. Luckily, you'll fall asleep on the couch.

You're making yourself comfortable and turning the TV on when you hear your cellphone's loud ring coming from upstairs. Rolling your eyes, you run there, sitting on the bed as you pick your phone from the nightstand. It's Embry calling. Why is Embry calling you? He never did that before.

"Hello?" You mutter, hoping nothing happened to Paul. Or to anyone.

"(Y/N). Did I wake you up? Sorry. Can you come to Emily's? Like right now?" He speaks so fast it's hard to keep up. There are groans and howls behind his voice, and despite the late hour and the whole mystery, you're already moving, grabbing a coat, and looking for the car keys.

"What the hell happened?" You ask as you put the coat on before heading outside.

"Are you coming or not?" His tone changes as the groans get louder.

"Yes, I am." You exclaim, a little pissed at his sudden change. Why did he even ask? Anything that has to do with Paul has you moving in half a second. "Would you tell me what's going on? I can hear the wolves in the back." You say as you start the car and puts the call on speaker so you can drive.

"Paul and Quil had a massive fight. Ugly. Quil backed out a while after but Paul didn't." Of course, he didn't. The man makes a big deal out of everything. "Now we're trying to make him change back. But after two hours we had no success so I had to call you. You're his imprint, you might be able to help."

It's not the first time Paul gets so damn angry he's stuck in the wolf form. But you never had to actually go there, the guys always managed to calm him down just enough for him to become human again. "Well, shit."

"Well, shit indeed. Hurry up."

As if you weren't driving like crazy already. "I am." You hang up, focusing on the road ahead of you. The bright part of being the middle of the night is that there are no cars beside yours, and you don't have to stop at the red lights.

A few minutes after you're stopping by Emily's house, and the moment you step out of the car you hear the groans again, and low chattering.

"Paul, c'mon. Just try." Jared says.

"Don't you think he's trying?" Seth snaps back.

"She's here," Sam announces as you're walking around the house to reach the backyard.

All the pack is here, in human form besides Paul and Quil. He's showing off his teeth, ready to attack again at any wrong move Quil might make. You take a deep breath as he's eyes meet yours, and a low groan comes from his throat.

You don't wait for anyone to say anything. This is between you and Paul. "Hey, there, handsome." You use the same tone of voice you always do. He might be in the wolf form, but it's still the love of your life. "What happened, babe? This idiot got on your nerves again?" You give Quil an angry stare.

Paul lowers his head so you can reach out and caress his soft fur. His eyes are soft now, so different from the way they were when they were set on Quil. You can see your face reflecting on the apple of his eye, and he suddenly moves up again, running into the woods. Once he's gone, you turn on your heels to look at the others, hands on your hips.

"You're welcome."

"What did you do?" Embry asks as Seth runs into the woods too, carrying a pile of clothes for Paul. "You just... Said hi and his thoughts immediately changed."

"Do you really think I'll share my secrets?" Raising an eyebrow, you turn away from him, eyes on the woods as you wait for Paul. The truth is you didn't really do anything. You didn't even have a plan. You just knew you had to talk to him, look at him, and your Paul would come back. He always does. Paul, being the hothead he is, has always been soft with you. Even when some disagreement makes you fight, he's never mad for more than five minutes. He comes and apologizes, even when it's your fault. So deep down you knew it would only take a few words to bring him back.

And back he is, coming from the woods in his human form, straight into your arms. You embrace him, feeling how the cold disappears. "Good to have you back, honey."

"Sorry, they had to wake you up in the middle of the night." He says, pulling away to place a kiss on your lips. "In my defense, it was Quil's fault."

"What?" Quil speaks up, coming from the woods as well. "I didn't-"

"If you're going to start fighting again you better shut the hell up." Sam raises his voice, and you giggle to see the exaggerated eye roll Quil gives him.

"Let me drive you home," Paul says, an arm around your shoulders as you walk back to the car.

He drives under the speed limit, as usual, since he's very careful whenever you're around. And he stops at the red lights even though there are no other cars on the road. But you think it's cute, the way he takes care of you. Being this huge, muscular guy, nobody expects him to be so soft with someone. But with you, the shapeshifter with anger issues becomes a teddy bear.

"The guys seemed pretty impressed. I guess they didn't think I'd make you shift back so easily."

"Yeah, just..." You see he's squinting his eyes, thinking. "I was so mad at that jerk but when you showed up it just..."

You keep your eyes on him as he keeps his on the road. You know what you mean to Paul. Even before he explained how the imprint works, he always looked at you as if you were his whole world. It scared you in the beginning, to know how much he loved you. Now you're already used to it, to the effect you have on him. But it doesn't mean you're not impressed.

"Seeing you already dissolved my anger but your voice... It's like my favorite song. So I knew I had to shift back so I could hug you, hold you, kiss you." He gives you a quick glance, with a smile, before staring at the road again. He's blushing a little. Paul doesn't like to show vulnerability, but he does it to you. Because he knows he can trust you with his life.

"Honey, you can't let the guys get under your skin. I'm not complaining because I'd drive there a hundred times over if necessary, but you know half the things they say is to mess with you." As you speak, he stops by your house, but instead of getting out of the car, you move closer to him, laying your head on his shoulder. "And sometimes you start the fights."

"Can't argue with that." He giggles. "Sorry again. I know you drive like crazy when something happens."

"Can you blame me? Embry calls and tells me my boyfriend is stuck in his wolf form for two hours. I had to run there and rescue you." Smirking at him, you giggle at his eye roll.

"Let me make it up to you then. I'll take you to dinner tomorrow night. Wherever you want."

"How could I say no to that?" Kissing him goodbye, you step out of the car, watching by the door at Paul runs back home.

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