Paul Lahote

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By : wolfpackimagines14 | Tumblr

Request: Can I request a Paul imagine where he just loves on s/o so much, like cuddles, and kisses. And neither fully understand why until someone walks in and says s/o smells like life (preggo) and what both of their reactions would be?


"(Y/N), can you go grab some sodas out of the garage? The boys should be back soon and I really wanna get these pies in the oven before then," Emily asked while she finished chopping the apples for one of the pies she was making.

"Yeah, of course," I smiled before heading outside. It wasn't until I got outside that I realized how cold it was and that I probably should've grabbed my jacket. I quickly rushed over to Sam and Emily's garage to grab two twelve packs of whatever soda they had in there.

As I was struggling to carry them across the driveway again, I saw the boys make their way out of the woods and over to the house.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Paul call out to me. "Let me take those."

I tried to protest, but he had grabbed them out of my hands before I had even said anything. Paul then promptly shoved the two packs to Embry who happened to walk by us next.

"Oof," Embry huffed as Paul basically whacked him in the chest with them.

"Why aren't you wearing a jacket?" Paul asked me, completely ignoring Embry.

"I was supposed to only be outside for a few minutes, but you're distracting me," I laughed at his overprotectiveness.

"It's practically snowing, babe," he explained, leading me back into the house while rubbing his warm hands up and down my arms to warm me back up. "Taking a few extra minutes to put your jacket on won't kill you."

"Okay dad..." I teased him as we walked back into the warm house, which caused him to blush a bit. He leaned in and kissed my right cheek, then my left cheek, then my nose, and then finally my lips.

Now it was me blushing as I pulled away from him, embarrassed about the PDA in front of the pack.

"Paul..." I trailed off, but was cut off by his lips again. We were interrupted by the hoots and hollers of the other guys and Paul pulled away this time to flip them all off. He kissed me on the forehead before pulling me down the hall and away from all the chaos in the kitchen.

"Aren't you hungry?" I asked him, confused why he wasn't immediately going to grab some of whatever Emily had made for dinner.

"I just wanted to have some alone time with my wife," he told me softly as he pulled me onto the couch with him. "I missed you."

"You've only been gone a few hours," I laughed as he pulled me on top of him so I was straddling him and he was nuzzling his face in my neck.

"A few hours too long," he groaned as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby," I whispered. "What's gotten into you tonight? Not that I'm complaining..."

"I just love you," he replied. He seemed like even he was confused about his own behavior. Usually this kind of affection was reserved for our own home. "Are you feeling better since this morning?"

"Yes, much better," I answered him truthfully. I had thrown up this morning before he had gone to work and it had taken a lot of convincing this morning for him to even leave me.

"That's good," he stroked my cheek with his thumb. "I don't like seeing you like that."

I glanced up towards the doorway and saw Sam standing there. I tried to move off of Paul, but he just pulled me closer and turned us so that he could look over at Sam.

"Hi Sam," I blushed at the compromising situation he had walked in on.

"(Y/N)," he smiled at me. "Emily sent me in to tell you she's saved some dinner for you guys, but you need to move quick before Jake and Seth find out."

"Well I would say we would be out soon, but somebody is being clingy tonight," I laughed, referencing Paul.

"That's understandable though," Sam replied matter-of-factly. "When Emily was pregnant I could barely keep my hands off her."

"Wait what?" I asked as Paul and I both snapped our heads over to look at Sam in alarm.

"Umm... I just figured you knew," Sam explained awkwardly. "I've been able to hear the heartbeat for almost a month now so I assumed Paul must have figured it out."

We went silent again and I could see a look of concentration on Paul's face.

"Oh my god," he whispered after a moment of silence. "I can hear it."

"You can?" I breathed out.

"Yeah," he smiled at me with tears in his eyes.

"I'll just leave you guys to it," Sam smiled softly at us before leaving the room.

"I can't believe you didn't hear it until now," I giggled at him.

"I didn't even realize that was a thing I could do," he laughed with me before pulling me closer and kissing me.

"I love you," I whispered to him.

"I love you too," he said to me. "And this baby... so much."

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