Demetri Volturi | Fighting the Inevitable (II)

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr


"What do you mean you aren't sure which way to go?" You ask incredulously, turning round to face Demetri with your eyebrow raised.

He rolls his eyes, slowly turning his head to face you, his mouth twitching at a smile when he spots your hands on your hips, and your foot tapping away in frustration. He always said he loved your sass. That for someone so small you were a spitfire. A force to be reckoned with.

"I mean, that they are playing tricks, trying to deceive us." He desperately tries to stop the smirk tugging at his lips as you stomp backwards and forwards in front of him, trying to come up with a plan. "This has nothing to do with my powers." He reassures you, and your stomping comes to a stop, whipping your head towards him.

"What?" He asks, as your eyes narrow in thought.

"Do you remember the mission in Barcelona?"

"With that tiny Catalan coven earning money by standing as statues on La Rambla?" Demetri replies, smiling at the memory.

"Who'd have thought a coven that old would have run out of money." You muse before continuing.

"They were pretty good statues...had most people fooled." He replies, smiling softly as he looks up at you.

"They would have tricked Felix too if you hadn't spoiled it." You joke, instinctively moving towards him, your pull to him undeniable. Demetri tries not to react but your presence makes him feel dizzy after so long without your touch. 'Touch starved' Felix had called it when he discussed it with his friend just days before. That he had to avoid you for fear of collapsing at what you did to his senses, the effect you had on him was tremendous, and his body's natural reaction was to lean into it, move towards you. He had to make a conscious effort to stay away from you and not react the way he wanted to.

It wasn't like that with Ella. With Ella he had to force any kind of reaction in his body. He cared for her, sure. He didn't want harm to come to her, of course. But he didn't want her. Didn't need her like he did you. He wanted so desperately to tell you, to admit everything he had been thinking and feeling in the months you had been apart.

"Yes, well we couldn't have the oaf ruining the whole mission, it took us weeks to..." Demetri pauses as he looks down at you, his face changing from confusion to understanding in a matter of seconds.

"It took us weeks because they had someone like you..." He remembers, taking a step towards you, causing your fingers to twitch in desperation for his touch.

"We didn't realise until Alec had wandered into their territory and I felt the cloak." You finish, Demetri grabbing you in a hug instinctively in celebration. It takes a few seconds for either of you to realise where you are and you pull away awkwardly.

You slowly move away, turning to look into the forest beside you. The air feels thick with tension and unspoken words from your months avoiding him.

Taking a seat on a broken tree trunk you gather your thoughts

"I miss you." He whispers.

Silence hangs in the air as you fiddle with the fabric of your dress.

He looks at you and sighs before continuing. "I've tried Y/N. I've tried so hard but you're under my skin. I can't escape you."

"We were together for 150 years, Demetri, a few months won't make that go away." Demetri smiles at hearing your voice saying his name, as he watches your mouth form the sound the way it had done thousands of times before. This time is different though. He can hear the but coming before you speak. "But that doesn't mean that's what is right."

He moves to lean against a tree, kicking at the floor as he forms his thoughts in his head, feeling cautious as to not to spook you.

"I've heard so many talk of the mate bond, of the way you feel so consumed by your mate, Aro's desperation to keep Sulpicia safe in the tower, Marcus' devastation at losing Didyme...but...I don't feel that with Ella. I don't want to feel that with Ella."

Your silence gives Demetri confidence, and he rushes towards you and takes your hands in his own.

"This 'bond' with Ella is nothing compared to the love I feel for you Y/N. There is a reason she and I have not...progressed...our relationship. The reason is you. It feels like a betrayal because my heart is yours."

Demetri's eye contact is unwavering, his ruby red irises piercing into your own, searching your face for your answer. You feel wobbly on your feet and stumble backwards to sit down a tree stump, not wanting to let go of Demetri's hands so you pull him with you until he sits down beside you, his thumbs brushing across your fingers softly.

"If you tell me you're mine, I'll always be yours, please Y/N...I need you." Demetri whispers, slowly bringing your hand to his mouth, pressing gentle kisses to your knuckles. "Y/N, please, I know you are feeling what I am feeling..."

"...But Demetri...Ella is your mate, she's your...soulmate." You pull at your hands, trying to break Demetri's embrace.

"No one ever said a mate bond was exclusively romantic."

"Is that what you think?" You ease the pulling, letting Demetri pull you closer again.

"It's what I know. I've fought it, tried to force something between Ella and I are my soulmate Y/N. I've just been fighting against the inevitable, because we are meant to be together." With a gentle tug, Demetri pulls you flush against him, his hands enveloping yours as he holds them against his chest, your faces only inches apart.

"Inevitable?" You question, a smirk pulling at Demetri's face as he catches the uncertainty in your voice.

"Inevitable." Demetri reassures, letting go of your hands to pull your face closer to his, dropping a kiss to the corner of your mouth, pulling back to watch your reaction. When you don't flinch or pull away he comes closer again, his lips hovering over your own so you can feel his cool breath.

"Soulmates?" You whisper questioningly against his lips. He smirks again, before crashing his lips against yours, memories of his lips against yours so many times, the taste of him, like home. He finally pulls away from you, resting his forehead against yours.

"Soulmates." He reassures again, moving to kiss you again.

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