Carlisle | You Were Worried About Me?

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By : stanathanxoox | Tumblr

Today was going to be the day that he was going to ask to spend time with her, the lone wolf that lived on the edge of the boundary between Forks and the Quilette tribes boundary. She had intrigued him since the first time he had seen her walking along the boundary line. It had been about eight months ago that he had seen her for the first time and since then he had tried so hard to get to know her but she was shy, she had built walls so high that he couldn't seem to get through to her, but each turned down conversation or scowl only seemed to pique Carlisle's interest more, he wanted to get to know her for what she was worth, for who she was and not only the wolf that he saw every day. He was nearing the border, nearing the place where she normally stayed when he smelt it, the scent of someone else, it was still fresh, but it seemed over a couple hours old. Had he truly missed someone kidnapping this beautiful being. Forgetting all about the boundary, about the pact Carlisle crossed into Quilette territory following the trail of the wolves. He kept running, the trail varing off to the left and then up a steep hill before he finally reaches the end of the trail, the other wolves scent is much stronger here, its literally all over the place, but he can smell her here too. His ears perk up when he hears a loud pained scream coming from inside the house, alarming him he barges into the house and follows the whimpers he can hear coming from her. What he sees scares him and breaks his heart, he can't deal with seeing her in pain. HE races to her aide, pulling him off of her and throwing him against the wall

"Are you okay?" Carlisle asks, his voice laced with worry and concern, she looks up at him her light blue eyes meeting his amber ones and she nods her head slowly

"You shouldn't be here" she whispers and Carlisle shrugs

"When I didn't see you at your normal spot I got worried and then I panicked when I smelt his scent mixed in with yours" he explains and she gives a small smile

"You were worried about me?" she asks and he nods

"Of course I was worried about you, you've become such a constant in my life how could I not be worried" he says, his own smile growing as he watches the grin spread across her face at his words.

"Y/N" she says and he smiles

"Carlisle" he says and she chuckles

"I know who you are, I've heard a lot of things about you" she says causing Carlisle to blush

"All good I hope" he says flustered and she giggles, reaching out and touching his cheek

"All good, I promise" she says and he nods his head before leaning in and placing a gentle peck on her lips, to which she responds by wrapping her arms around his neck and lightly brushing her fingers through his hair.

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