Cullens | Broken Angel (II)

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By : darkestdesired | Tumblr


I landed right in front of the stairs to the porch,i turned and watched as the Cullen's finally caught up.I smiled as Renesmee laughed,"You guys are so slow!" They laughed,"Well sorry princess" Edward ruffled Renesmee's hair.I hid my wings as Carlisle led me into his office,i set her down on his couch,Carlisle then cleaned and dressed the wound."Since she is half vampire it shouldn't take long to heal."I nodded,Edward and Bella took Renesmee upstairs to bed.We all went to the dining and sat,"What would you like to eat? I can make you anything you wish." Esme smiled."Thank you but i don't eat,i only did at school in order to not look suspicious." She nodded and sat down next to Carlisle. "So what happened to the food you ate?" Emmett asked,"Well...i guess it just disappears." They nodded."What happens if an angel dies?" Rosalie elbowed him,"Um..when pure angels die we burst into butterflies.After that we return to god so that he may decide if we are to be reborn as an angel or human.Very few return as angels." I smiled,"Have you ever died?" I looked down,"I have yes,you see,i was born an angel,i was created in order to be a messenger for the gods." I smiled at jasper. Carlisle raised an eyebrow,"Why were you sent to watch over us?" I bit my lip,"U-um..Y-you see..I was sent..I was sent here as gods eyes,to see if...if you all were worthy of redemption for welcoming a demons power to consume you." They were shocked,"I'm sorry,i don't understand." He furrowed his eyebrows,Rosalie got angry "She means that we're monsters! She was sent to see if we are good enough for god to forgive us for becoming something we couldn't control!" Everyone was staring at me with cold eyes,except jasper,He could feel the regret and uncomfortableness pouring out of me."It isn't her fault,she was just doing her job." Rosalie glared at him,"It doesn't matter,Do you think i wanted to be like this? No! I can't tell you how many things i wanted to do,I wanted to be able to get married,have kids,and grow old surrounded by my grandchildren!But i had no choice but to become a vampire because god failed to help me when i needed him!" I was speechless,there was nothing i could do.I stood up and pushed my chair in,"I apologize for everything...I personally believe that you all are not monsters.I know you did not wish this upon you all,but i feel that because you are all like this now...that it has given you more reason to 'live' now then when you were all human.I shall take my leave,thank you for your time." I turned and headed towards the door,i opened it a crack before a hand slammed the door shut,I turned to see Rosalie staring down at me.:I shouldn't have taken my anger out at you,i'm sorry." I sighed sadly and hugged her."Please do not be sorry,it is good to let it all out once in a while." She smiled and hugged me back.I broke the hug,"I should leave now,it is getting late." She nodded and stepped out of the way.Carlisle stood up "Shall we see you tomorrow?" I smiled "If you wish me to,then i shall return." They nodded and i waved goodbye,They watched as i walked down the steps.I released my wings and jumped,flying into the woods.

I flew back to the Cullen's home the next morning,I hid my wings and knocked on the door,A shirtless man with tan skin,short spiky brown hair,and a wolf tattoo on his shoulder opened the door. "Can i help you with something?" I nodded but as soon as i opened my mouth i heard someone running towards the door,"Whose at the door Jacob?" Renesmee stood next to Jacob and gasped when she saw me,"(Y/n)!" She ran to me and i picked her up in a giant bear hug."How is my favorite little girl?" She giggled and turned to Jacob who was super confused."Jacob,This is (Y/n) She's my guardian angel!" Jacob raised an eyebrow as i walked past him and into the living room where everyone was waiting."Ah,You made it!" Emmett's loud voice boomed happily.Everyone smiled and waved."Okay so what's with nesse calling this girl her 'guardian angel'?" Jacob stood next to Bella and Edward. Bella smiled "Well,she's an actual angel who was sent to watch over us." Jacob laughed,"Yea rig-" Before he could finish i released my wings but kept them close so they wouldn't hit anything. "Oooookay i see." I laughed quietly .After we talked for a while Jacob mentioned introducing me to the wolves.The Cullen's were a bit put off by the idea until i said i was okay with it.I followed the Cullen's through the air as they ran below me,i carried Renesmee again since she said she loved it.I hid in a tree after i let Renesmee go with her mom,I waited for Carlisle's signal.Jacob came to the spot with a group of wolves.They all talked before Carlisle signaled me to come.I flew above the trees before diving and landing right next to Carlisle,I surprised the wolves since they all jumped and stared at me in shock."I apologize for scaring you all,My name is (Y/n) Grace,I am an angel." I Bowed and stood back up straight lowering my wings behind me.The werewolf named Sam walked up slowly and sniffed at me,He then looked over at Carlisle."They have never seen someone like you before." I smiled,"It's rare for angels to come to earth unless they are either casted out,or sent by father almighty." Sam nodded."He wants to know why you're here." I looked back at Sam,"I was sent to watch over and protect the Cullen's." They seemed a bit uneasy."I do not wish harm on any of you as long as both sides respect each others boundaries." I looked at the Cullen's then the wolves."I shall respect them also if necessary." Sam looked to Carlisle "He says that if you wish to visit,you are more than welcome." I tilted my head and smiled.Now that i knew the wolves weren't a threat all that was left was the volturi,and that's gonna probably end with some enemies.

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