Embry Call | Love From Right Here (II)

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr


"Just text her already" Quil whispers across the table to Embry. Embry jolts out of his daydream, sheepishly rubbing at the back of his neck as he glances back at Y/N across the classroom.

"What if she didn't mean it like that?" Embry asked, his voice laced with anxiety.

"Mean it like what? I thought you were just going to be friends anyway?" Quil teases as the bell rings and the class start packing up their things.

"I don't know...what if she only ever wants to be friends?" Embry whispers, his voiced pained and eyebrows furrowed. "What if I have to just watch her fall in love with other people for the rest of my life?!"

A loud groan can be heard from behind them as they leave the classroom and start walking down the corridor, suddenly a hand grabs Embry's phone from his hand as Paul appears, walking ahead of them with the phone held tightly in his hands.

"Paul! Don't!" Embry reaches for the phone as Quil and Jared hold him back.

"This is for the best bro; you need this push." Jared whispers to Embry.

Paul stops and spins around, handing the phone back to Embry with a cheeky grin on his face. Embry quickly goes to his messages and reads Paul's message aloud.


Embry groans, "Paul, why is it all in capitals? It looks like I'm shouting?!"

Paul rolls his eyes. "Like that matters, it's the message that's important. I remembered to add a question mark, isn't that enough for you?"

Before Embry has the chance to respond, his phone pings in his hand.

Tomorrow? Mum will cook your favourite. I can't wait to catch up. 😊

Embry holds the phone to his chest, then grabs Paul and hugs him whispering "Thank you" over and over again.

Paul laughs, attempting to hold Embry at arm's length. "Stop hugging me and text her back you idiot!"


Embry knocks quickly at the door, the familiar smell of Y/N's house flooding his senses, sending his senses into overdrive as he listens for her footsteps walking closer.

"Embry!" She calls out as she opens the door, throwing herself at him in a hug. Her scent fills his nose and his head tingles at how close she is to him.

"I'm soooooo pleased you're here. Mum is so excited to see you, and in standard mum fashion she has cooked far too much food! Come in." Y/N grabs Embry's hand, dragging him into the house, down the hallway to the kitchen to see her mum.


"Told you she missed you!" Y/N jokes as they take their dishes back into the kitchen and begin to wash up.

"It's weird...it's almost like..." Embry starts before Y/N interrupts.

"We never stopped talking?" She offers, and Embry nods enthusiastically.

"I feel like I could talk to you about anything. How is that possible?" Embry looks sheepish as he grabs a tea towel* and starts drying the plates that Y/N stacks up on the drying rack.

"I dunno." He replies quietly. "I feel the same though, like we are connected." He whispers nervously, not wanting to say too much.

"Yes! Exactly this. There's like something pulling me towards you."

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