Garrett | Enemies To Lovers

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: Alright I was wondering if you could do a Garrett Denali X Female Reader fic where they meet during the fight with the volturi and maybe she's an Englishman and they hate each others guts but they slowly connect and then fall in love.

Warnings: None


Dark red eyes glared over at you. A sneer was permanent on Garrett's face whenever you came into view - what were the chances that his mate was English? He felt as if someone was playing a cruel joke on him.

Your eyes flashed to his, immediately filling with anger when you saw he was already staring at you. The both of you looked away from each other though, after a few moments, you felt his eyes on you again.

When you first arrived at Carlisle's house, you were excited to meet the new vampires who would witness with you. Your excitement grew when you realized your mate was there. Though, as soon as Garrett found out where you were from, the excitement died down. Now, you couldn't stand to be around him.

The days passed by, the battle with the Volturi inching closer and closer. You were nervous, to say the least. Everyone knew the Volturi weren't coming to talk - Stefan and Vladimir had confirmed that much - and you weren't quite ready for battle. You had only been a vampire for a few years now, and you had never fought in any type of battle.

Which is why you were training with Jasper and Bella. You sighed in frustration, annoyed that Jasper had taken you down once again. "You're not focusing, y/n."

"I am!" You insisted. "I'm doing what you told me to do."

Jasper hummed in agreement. "You are. But like I said, you're not focused entirely on the fight. I'm going easy on you, but if it comes to a fight and you're not focused, you're dead."

You huffed, not wanting to admit that Jasper was right. Jasper moved to the side and motioned between you and Bella. "You two try it and see how it goes."

The fight with Bella went slightly better than the one with Jasper. While you managed to get the upper hand for a moment, Bella came back and pinned you to the ground. The ex-war soldier shook his head. "That was better. What's distracting you so much?"

"Couldn't tell you." You mumbled, though your eyes snapped to the group of vampires that stood watching. Garrett was there, his muscular arms crossed over his chest, red eyes burning into your own.

"Sort it out before the battle because there's nothing else I can do for you. You fight good, but you need to be completely focused."

You only nodded, watching as he walked away now. Bella offered you a smile before she went to Edward. While most of the group dispersed, you noticed one of the Irishmen watching you curiously. You raised a brow at him, wondering what he wanted.

The man chuckled at you. "How long have you been a vampire?"

"Only a few years." You told him, noticing that Garrett had stopped nearby to listen.

"I figured." He nodded. "I'm Liam."

You introduced yourself, smiling as the man began to talk about all the wars and fights he had been apart of. "If you'd like, I can go over a few more moves that'd help you with the Volturi."

"Really?" Your smile grew. "That'd be great. I need all the help I can get."

"I can help her Liam." Garrett was stiff when he joined the conversation, his eyes locked on you as he spoke to the Irishman. ''I've fought in more successful wars."

"Right." Liam backed away, holding his hands up. "Nice meeting you, y/n. Let me know if you need anything."

You glared at Garrett once Liam walked away. "I don't need your help."

"You need someones." He scoffed. "You'd rather have his than mine?"

"Last time I checked, you didn't want anything to do with me." His rolled his eyes at you as he turned away.

"Take it or leave it. You're my mate - the least I can do is keep you from dying." You scoffed at him this time, causing him to face you once more.

"Since you've found out we're mates, you've been avoiding me like the plague - just because of where I'm from! Now you want to act like you haven't been doing that?"

Without a word, Garrett stormed forward and grabbed your face, placing a harsh kiss on your lips. You pulled away from him, shocked at his sudden approach. "I'm sorry. Let me make up for it, y/n. Let me help you."

You sighed, placing a hand over his. "As long as you promise to stop acting like a dick."

His lips were on yours again for a brief moment before he pulled back. "Deal. Come on, let's practice now."

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