Quil Ateara | Not Just A Crush

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr


"Just tell her you're in love with her" Embry nudged Quil out of his daydream as he looked at you across the cafeteria.

You were oblivious, talking with your friends, eating your lunch. Quil didn't know you harboured your own secret feelings too. You hadn't told anyone, having convinced yourself that he was like that with everyone, he was just a nice guy, he was just being friendly with you. That's just the kind of guy Quil was. His kindness and friendship It's just a crush. You tell yourself over and over.

"You know I can't do that." Quil turns away to roll his eyes at Embry.

"But why? Why can't you just tell her you like her at least?" Embry nudges Quil in his seat as he sneaks another glance at you, sighing as he turns away again.

"It's just a crush Embry. I'll get over it" now it was Embry's turn to roll his eyes.

"I don't think it's just a crush if you've been pining over someone for two years Quil, but you keep telling yourself that!" Embry laughs at this, drawing your attention from across the room.

At that moment you look at Quil, watching his face carefully, the way his eyes crinkle as he smiles, the way one side of his smile is always bigger, a slight dimple pushing through his cheek. It's just a crush you say to yourself again as you draw a deep breath to try and steady your heartbeat.


As you head to your seat in art you glance around in search of Quil's famous curly locks. You see him facing away from you, in deep conversation with Jacob and Embry. You catch Embry's eye and he winks, whilst seeming to push Quil gently in your direction.

You frown but think nothing of it, taking your seat and removing your sketch pad from your bag, placing it neatly on the table in front of you.

You tap your pencil on the desk as you stare out of the window at the trees moving with the wind.

"Erm hi Y/N"

Turning away from the window, you look up to see Quil, awkwardly smiling at you.

"Can I sit here?" He gestures to the empty seat next to you.

Your face flushes as you nod quickly. "Don't you usually sit with Jacob and Embry?" Glancing back to said boys at the back of the room, they give you both the thumbs up before Quil sticks his finger up at them and turning back to you.

"I wanted to sit with you today." He beams his gorgeous smile at you, and your face flushes pink again.

"You're so sweet. How are you? I feel like we've barely spoken this week." You smile as you glance at him sideways and notice is face flush.

"Erm...yeah, it's been manic with school and helping out my grandfather with some stuff...how have you been, what are your plans for the weekend?"

You debate telling him the truth about your plans, only your closest friends knew it was your birthday, a secret you always liked to keep out of school.

"Just hanging out with my dad, he normally takes me out for dinner for my birthday but money is a bit tight so we are just going to have a movie night." You breeze over it quickly and Quil doesn't seem to pick up on what you've said.

"Oh I love movie nights, I do one with the guys every Friday. Maybe you'd be up for joining us one time?" Quil's face flushes again as he asks.

"I would love to!" You say a little too enthusiastically. "I mean, yeah, that would be nice."

Quil goes to speak again just as your teacher Mr Aldea enters and claps, prompting the class to be quiet.

"Quil, back to your normal seat."

He gives you a quick smile as he heads back to Embry and Jacob, who are whispering questions to him as he gets closer.

You don't pay much attention to the lesson for the next hour, instead letting your mind wander with daydreams about movie nights with Quil...


The following week you were heading to your seat in science when you noticed a gift wrapped box at your desk. It was wrapped in beautiful purple paper, your favourite colour, with a neat gold bow twisted on top. Who was this from?

You look around the room trying to catch someone's eye in the hope of working out the secret gift giver but you had no luck.

Sitting down at your desk you carefully unwrap the bow and remove the wrapping paper. Peeling back the paper you reveal a DVD of your favourite film, a pack of your favourite sweets and a small bag of popcorn. Everything you would need for a movie night. You look up from your desk towards the door to catch a glimpse of your favourite curly hair as he runs away down the hall. Is it just a crush?


As the bell rings for the end of school you make your way out to your car, clutching your gifts in your hand.

When you reach your car you see a note held underneath your wiper blade.

Movie night at my house, tonight, 7pm. Bring your gifts with you. Quil x

Your heart flutters as you read the note. Maybe it's not just a crush. You smile to yourself, glancing around, looking for his face, before climbing into your car, mentally preparing yourself for this evening.


At 7pm on the dot you pull up outside Quil's house. You grab the DVD and the treats from the passenger seat, but before you have a chance to reach for the handle, Quil is at the door, holding it open for you.

He smiles his adorable smile, holding his arm out for you to take as you step out the car.

"Did you like your gifts?" He questions, his cheeks flushing slightly.

"I love them, you are so sneaky, how did you know where I sit?" You laugh as he walks you up the steps to his front door.

He gestures for me to sit on the sofa as he disappears, before returning with a small bunch of flowers.

"I may or may not have bribed your teacher with food." He whispers theatrically, and I laugh out loud, taking the flowers from him as he offers them, sniffing and admiring them as Quil disappears again.

It's not just a crush.


In the kitchen Quil is arranging a plate of what he hopes are your favourite snacks.

"Y/N I think I love you. No. That's stupid. Erm. Y/N, I think your beautiful and I love you. No. Still not good enough." He mutters to himself as he moves the food around on the plate.

He takes a deep breath.

"Y/N, from the moment I met you I have been in love with you. Your beautiful smile, the way that your eyes sparkle, the way you laugh, the way you care, the kindness you show. Everything about you is beautiful and I love you. I love you, I love you, I love...you." Quil turns as he speaks, plate in hand, ready to declare his love, only to find you standing in the doorway, your mouth open in shock, and the plate drops to the floor.

Definitely not just a crush.

You smile at him before glancing down at the mess on the floor, amongst the shattered pieces of plate you can make out some of your favourite foods.

"I love you too y'no." Quil's eyebrows shoot up, before he carefully steps over the broken pieces of plate and he cups your face with his hand, gently placing a kiss to your lips.

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