Seth Clearwater | Rain

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By : wiltingdaisies | Tumblr

seth clearwater x fem!reader
words: 1,877
fandom: twilight
genre: just straight fluff hahah


The sound of a thunderstorm wakes me up in the middle of the night. Forks, Washington is notorious for rainy days and there's almost always a constant drizzle, but this is different– it's a full on storm. Ever since I was little, thunder and lighting have scared me and despite the reassurances of my friends and family, this fear hasn't subsided with time. I take a deep breath and listen as rain smatters against my bedroom window. Maybe the thunder and lightning have passed.

Another crash of thunder followed by a flash of lightning tears me out of my thoughts and I jump. Guess not. With shaking hands, I reach to grab my phone off of the night stand beside my bed. I flip it open and call my best friend; Seth Clearwater. Seth has been my best friend for years and even though I know I should let him sleep, he's the only one who can comfort me when I'm this frightened.

Seth doesn't know it, but I'm in love with him, or at the very least majorly crushing on him. I don't really know when it started. Maybe I've always felt this way for him. I hold my feeling close though because the thought of losing him over something like this physically hurts. Seth and I tell each other everything, do everything together, and I don't know what I would do without him.

It doesn't take Seth very long to answer, despite the late hour, and soon I hear his voice through the phone. His voice is hushed and scratchy, a sure sign that he was asleep just before I called him, "Hello?"

"Seth," I whisper through shaky breaths, "It's storming."

"Oh, yeah. It is."

"I'm sorry for waking you up, but I... I didn't know what else to do," I sigh, burrowing further into my blankets and trying to block out the sounds of the storm.

"(Y/n), it's fine. I don't mind if you wake me up. I know you hate when it storms, so I don't mind. I'll always be here for you."

"I hate that I'm so afraid. No one else my age is afraid of thunderstorms. It feels childish. I feel so stupid for waking you up over something like this."

I hear him move in his bed through the phone and he sighs, "Hey, listen to me. You're not stupid and it's not childish to be afraid of thunderstorms. Everyone is afraid of something. Storms just happen to be your fear. You shouldn't hate yourself for something you can't control."

"Seth I–" my words are cut off as a new bout of thunder and lightning shakes the windows and the roof vibrates. I bite back a scream and try to take a deep breath.

"Do you want me to come over?" Seth asks and I can hear his sheets rustling as he sits up in his bed. I can imagine the worry on his face and I feel terrible for needing him so badly at such an ungodly hour.

My hands are shaking worse than before and I feel like I can hardly breathe as I answer, "Yes, please. I need you."

"Okay," Seth breathes out and I hear him get out of bed, "Okay, best friend cuddles are on the way."

"Thank you, Sethy." I hear him laugh softly at the nickname I gave him.

The line is quiet for a moment as I hear him moving around his room, probably putting on his shoes and his jacket, and then open his window carefully. "I'm on my way now. I'm gonna hang up so I can get there faster, okay?"


He hangs up and I picture him running through the rain to my house. I sigh and turn on the lamp by my bed, trying to think of anything other than the raging storm outside. Thankfully, I only have to distract myself for a few minutes before I hear tiny pebbles hitting my window. I open the window and peek down at him. He quickly scales the tree by my window with ease; he's done it so many times I'm sure he could do it in his sleep.

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