The Volturi | Sick

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By : like-rain-or-confetti | Tumblr

WARNING: Vomiting


"Rats? You think there are rats in the castle?" Demetri couldn't help but smile. "I'm certain of it. I keep seeing things scurry around in the corner of my eyes and I heard a squeak once! I'm telling you, it's rats!" The receptionist declared.

"My love, don't you think we'd be the first to know about a rat infestation? All of those little heartbeats as the scamper in between the walls." Demetri smiled as he teased.
She shivered in response. "Don't say that!"

Demetri's gaze shifted to over her shoulder with a furrowed brow. "So tell me, rats are the ones with the long tails right?" Demetri nodded to the corner behind her and the receptionist screeched nearly jumping out of her skin.

Demetri chuckled. "I'm simply teasing. Honestly, Vanessa, their isn't anything to be concerned about."

"I'm serious! My aunt had an infestation once and we too thought nothing of it until their was so many of them that we could hear them scampering around in the walls. There was at least fifty of them, Demetri. Fifty."

"Fine, my sweet, fine. Do what you have to do to settle your mind. Just...don't go overboard with that stuff. It stinks." Vanessa nodded profusely as she dug around into her bag.

"Did I hear something about rats?" A voice called out, judging by the croaking cough and coughing fit afterwards, they knew who it was immediately.

"Dear Vanessa is under the impression that we have a rodent problem." Demetri said smoothly.
You winced. "Ew. Please tell me that's not the case."

"I'm sure it isn't but I suppose I'll just have to humour another human." Demetri smiled. "How are you feeling?"

"Better than yesterday." You admitted.

"I can finally breathe out of both nostrils though!" You grinned.

"Congratulations, you can take breathing through your nose for granted once more." Demetri responded with a cheeky grin.

"Anyway, have you seen Felix? I've been trying to track him down but can't seem to find him anywhere." You asked.

"I'm sure he hears all that coughing and is fleeing the area." Demetri smirked. "He's on guard duty, love."

You sighed. "Tell him, I'm looking for him if you see him." You headed back the way you came. Demetri bid you farewell before grimacing at the bag.


The next day, you coughed for what you felt was the hundredth time that day. A loud croaky cough escaped you and Demetri winced. He and Felix turned to you. "That sounds like a painful one."

"It's annoying." You croaked, the cough affecting your ability to talk.

"I thought that was getting better." Felix said.

"Likewise-" Another wave of coughs interrupted you.

You had been suffering with a cold for the past few days. You had thought the day prior that perhaps the worst of it was over. Until this next day when your raw throat returned with a vengeance for even having the thought.

"Go and drink some water." Jane nodded to the bottle of water. "It's still cold." You did as she said.

As you took a swig, Alec spoke up. "Do you know that the masters have been wanting to see you?"

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