Aro Volturi | Witness

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: reader used to be apart of the voltori like one of the top guards but left and then years later she got a call from Carlisle to be a witness and then volturi see her and idk i was hoping for some aro love you know?


Dark red eyes followed the human as he walked out of the bar. He stumbled, nearly falling before leaning on the wall next to him for support. You narrowed your eyes at the man.

You hadn't fed in weeks and you were going crazy. You couldn't believe there was no one else out in this town. This man would have to do for now.

You moved from the shadows when the man turned his back, and ran towards him. Your hand wrapped around his throat, pinning him to the wall. Before he could scream, your teeth sank into his throat, silencing him.

After you fed, you dropped the man's body with a thud.

"Really, y/n?" A familiar voice sounded behind you and you spun on your heel. Carlisle Cullen stood in front you, along with his wife Esme.

You smiled, "Carlisle! It's great to see you again! And you, Esme."

The woman smiled politely at you. Carlisle nodded, "look, we need your help."

Your eyes narrowed suspiciously at the doctor, "with?"

Anxiety crept through your body as you and the large group of witnesses made your way through the snow. The family of Cullens walked in front of you, stopping halfway across the field. You stood beside the Denali's, waiting for the Volturi to arrive.

You had a history with the Volturi. You had lived there at the same time as Carlisle - leaving at the same time as well. And even after hundreds of years, you regretted leaving.

Mainly because of Aro. Turns out, you and Aro had been mates.

But you were a newborn at the time you lived the with Volturi. You wanted to go out and see the world - even if it meant Aro couldn't go with you. You planned to go back to him, it was just taking a lot longer than you planned.

Now you would be seeing him again. You were nervous as to how he would react to seeing you on the 'enemy's' side.

Suddenly, a cluster of black hoods broke through the tree line. The group stalked towards you, easily outnumbering the small group you had.

Aro walked at the front of the pack, eyes wandering around the witnesses.

"He's looking for Alice," Edward told everyone.

You couldn't take your eyes off of him. He hadn't changed at all since you had left. His eyes fell on you, halting in his step. You shifted nervously, but your eyes didn't leave his.

Edward turned back to you, confused for half a second before finally realizing. He tilted his head, inviting you to come forward. You left Tanya's side and stood by Edward's, connecting your eyes to Aro's once again.

No one spoke. Tension rose from both sides of the field, waiting for what was to happen next. After a moment, Aro stuck out his hand.

Instantly, you walked towards him. You didn't use any speed - you just wanted to take your time. You reached him, immediately placing your hand in his.

Aro pulled your hand to his chest, reading your thoughts for a minute. Then, his eyes came back into focus and cautiously pulled you into a hug. You grabbed him, putting your face in his neck and sighing.

"I missed you," you murmured, "I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you."

"Don't worry about it, my dear," Aro ran a hand through your hair, "I'm just glad you're here."

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