Jacob Black | Misery Business

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By : wiltingdaisies | Tumblr

words: 4,728
fandom: twilight
character: jacob black
jacob black x fem!reader
genre: angst / fluff
warnings: one curse word lol, and angst i guess hahah


I'm in the business of misery, let's take it from the top

I watch as Jacob jogs across the beach to where Bella Swan is grouped with her friends. Embry and Quil shoot me sympathetic looks but I ignore them. I don't need their sympathy. Embry and Quil were the first to find out about my crush on Jacob when we were all in middle school and as much as I had hoped it would fade with time, it's only gotten stronger and they both know it.

I cross my arms, hugging myself tightly as the wind blows bitterly around me. I turn to watch Embry and Quil throw a frisbee back and forth on the beach, attempting to ignore Jacob and Bella. I hear him laugh faintly at something she said and it takes all my strength not to turn around to look at them.

Embry notices my discomfort first and he walks over to me, frisbee in hand, to talk to me, "Hey, if you'd rather go back, we can—"

"I'm fine," I say, plastering on a smile and looking up at him. "Don't let me ruin your fun. It's just a bit cold out, that's all."

"Are you sure you're not upset about Jake?" Quil asks, joining Embry and me.

"I'm positive. Who cares about him anyway? If he doesn't want to hang out with us, that's his loss." I grin at the boys and join them in throwing the frisbee. I spare one last glance at Jacob and Bella, who are specks further along the beach, and then I turn back to have fun with my friends.

She's got a body like an hourglass, it's ticking like a clock
It's a matter of time before we all run out

I sigh as I fall back onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. It's no wonder Jacob likes Bella. She's beautiful. And they always have something to talk about. But I can't help but feel bitter about it all. I'm the one who's been friends with Jake since we were little. I'm the one who knows his favorite candy, his favorite color, and I'm the one who was there for Jacob when his mom died.

I roll over and grab my phone, checking to see if I have any text messages, but my phone remains void of any sort of notifications. I sigh again and throw my arm over my eyes. Just as I'm about to immerse myself in more pitiful thoughts (you know, typical teenager stuff), my phone rings.

I flip it open and answer without checking the caller ID, "Hello?"

"Hey, (y/n)!"

I sit up immediately, trying to tame the butterflies that rise in my stomach. I would recognize his voice anywhere. "Hey, Jake."

"I was just calling to apologize for earlier. I'm sorry that I left you and Embry and Quil so suddenly. And I really wanted to hang out with you, but I—"

"I get it. You wanted to spend time with Bella more," I sigh, laying down in my bed again.

"No! I mean, I did want to talk to her, but you guys are my best friends. So... yeah. I wanted to say sorry."

"It's fine. I get that you have friends other than the boys and me. It's just that, we set aside time to hang out with you today and all Bella had to do was coincidentally be in the same place at the same time and she got your full attention. It just... hurt a little."

I hear him take a breath on the other end of the phone, thinking of his next words. "Yeah. I'm really sorry. You guys didn't deserve that. Especially you."

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