Embry Call | Love From Afar (I)

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr

Could you do an Embry Call imagine where he imprints but the person is already in a relationship so he just has to love from afar? Lots of angst!


"Hurry up Paul! I don't want to be late! I'm already feeling nervy about going back to school and you are making this SO much worse!" Embry shouts up the stairs to his friend, tapping his foot and checking his watch.

"Oh calm down, stop being so dramatic!" Paul laughs as he walks down the stairs, flicking the side of his friend's head as he walks past.

"Shit, forgot my pen, be right back!" He announces as he runs back up the stairs.

"Paul, we're going to be late!"


 Embry's truck comes to a sudden stop at the edge of the parking lot and Paul's head hits the dashboard with a thud. "What the hell!?" He shouts, rubbing his forehead.

"Y/N" Embry whispers, looking dreamily across the lot.

"Y/N? As in Y/N Y/LN?" Paul asks, glancing between Embry and Y/N in the distance.

"You've imprinted all the way from over here?" He laughs incredulously. "Wow"

"How is that even possible? I can't even see her properly!" Embry asks, unable to take his eyes off Y/N, chatting to her friends.

"Must be a strong one. I mean...we only have Sam to base this on but I'm pretty sure he looked into Emily's eyes to imprint."

"I have to talk to her" Embry starts his truck again and moves quickly to find a space, quickly getting out and grabbing his bag.

"You know she has a boyfriend though?" Paul states as he closes the passenger door, Embry stopping in his tracks.

"What?" He turns around to Paul, his brow furrowed with worry. "Since when?"

"Erm...not long but she seems pretty loved up..." Paul gestures back to where Y/N is standing, when a tall guy with long, dark hair and a large backpack walks towards her wraps her in a hug and kisses the top of her hair gently.

A small whine escapes Embry's mouth. "Oh..." He whispers.


3 weeks later

"So have you spoken to her yet?" Quil asks impatiently before taking a large bite of his sandwich.

Paul and Jared are sat at the other side of the table, engrossed in their own conversation, whilst Embry looks wistfully at Y/N who is sat two tables over. He sighs, resting his chin on his hands.

"I lent her a pen in geography. She said thank you and smiled at me. It was amazing." Embry replies, not breaking contact with the other table.

"Yeah that sounds creepy. Stop staring." Quil nudges his arm away, and Embry's head hits the table.

Jared and Paul burst out laughing as Embry rubs his chin.

"That's karma for me hitting my head on your car!" Paul claims and Jared nods in support.

"Come on Embry, let's go talk to her, Kim sits next to her in physics and says she's really friendly." Jared suggests, waving at Kim in the lunch line, subtly pointing towards Y/N and Kim responds with a thumbs up.

"Kim will come with us." He grabs Embry's arm and pulls him up, dragging him towards Kim as she pays for her lunch.

"Are you ready Embry? No creepy comments please. Jared told me about the staring." Kim laughs as Jared kisses her cheek.

She grabs his hand as they start walking towards Y/N's table.

"Hey Y/N, can we join you?" She looks up at Kim and smiles, "Of course" she replies.

She looks to Kim's left at Jared and nods in greeting before looking over at Embry. She frowns slightly as their eyes meet, her smile faltering for a brief second before she takes a deep breath and her bright twinkle returns.

"Embry?" She asks, gesturing towards Embry.

"Yeah uh, hi. How are you?" Embry rubs the back of his neck as he tries to think of something smart to say.

Kim and Jared start talking to one of Y/N's friends to give them both some privacy, but Jared keeps one eye on Embry.

"I'm really good thanks. I don't think we've spoken since we were like...6? Maybe? Do you remember? Our moms used to be best friends!" Her face lights up and hands become animated with excitement as she recalls their friendship. Embry's face looks blank, but she is determined for him to remember.

"My dad made us our own assault course in my back yard, we used to pretend we were training for the army, just like him..." Embry thinks hard, then a flash of a memory appears in his mind, then another, then another.

"And watch movies with huge bowls of popcorn?" He asks.

"Yes!! You remember!" Her smile is infectious, and Embry can't help but grin back at her, until a small cough beside him when he realises that they have just been smiling at each other for about a minute.

"Mom still asks about you. Asks how you and your mom are doing." Y/N's smile falters slightly as she looks at Embry sympathetically.

"Yeah well...mom is alright. We're ok. Do you know why they stopped being friends?" Embry asks.

"Just grew apart I suppose. Wish we could've stayed friends though. It's weird. It's been so long but I feel like we never stopped being friends, like I could just talk to you about anything." She frowns slightly in confusion, looking up at him, assessing his face, taking in every detail.

"I feel the same. Like we were always meant to be...friends" He finishes sadly, then catches eye of the guy from this morning heading towards them.

He stands next to Embry and tries to straighten up to make himself seem taller, he's taller than average, but doesn't even compare to Embry and Jared.

"Alex" He states, nodding at the other two boys.

"Embry. This is Jared" Embry replies as Jared nods in greeting, neither offering anything else to acknowledge him.

"Hey sexy, walk me to next class?" Alex asks as he holds out his hand to Y/N.

"Yeah let me just finish talking first" She replies, rolling her eyes.

"We should hang out some time Embry, my mom would LOVE to see you again." She begins packing up her things before writing something on a piece of paper.

"My number" she says, as she hands Embry the paper, Alex's eyes flash with anger. Embry smiles at her in return.

She picks up her bag and books, ignores Alex's hand that he's offering her and starts to walk away, Alex trailing behind as he shoots angry looks back at Embry.

"Well that went better than expected" Jared whispers.

"Yeah...it did." Embry replies, looking at the piece of paper in his hand.

206-509-6995 Y/N ♥️


"I will just love her from afar. When she's ready, I'll be here."

Quil gives Embry a sympathetic look, whilst Paul and Jared look disturbed.

They're all leaning against Embry's truck, with Embry looking lovingly across the parking lot at Y/N.

"Not in a creepy I'm waiting kind of way."

"Yeah of course." Paul says sarcastically as he flings an arm around Embry's shoulders.

"Come on, let's go for a run, blow off some of that creepy, unrequited love steam"

"I'm not creepy." Embry insists.

"Keep telling yourself that!" Paul replies laughing.

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