Jasper Hale | Blood Red Mist (III)

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By : it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream | Tumblr

Warnings: mentions of death


No one told you what it was like to die. You guess, everyone had their stories about going towards a bright light or seeing the people you loved, your life flash before your eyes, but not you. Your death, felt a little more different to the ones people described in the movies. It started with nothing, absolute nothingness, and then red hot flames. It was like someone had doused you in fuel and strikes a match. Your skin was burning. Then, red mist. Blood red mist. Swirling all around you, through you. Then nothing again for a while, you didn't know how long it had been.

Until one day, you weren't dead anymore. You were born again. New born.


-Your pov-

The first thing you knew when you woke up on the metal surgical table was, well, you had died. The memories came flashing back to you in an instant, walking through town with Nessie, being stabbed, looking up at Sam and then.. Japer. You rose slowly, and by slowly you actually meant fast, your hand leaving a dent in the metal below you. You could hear everything, see everything, smell everything, your senses were on a trip, sensory overload.

You looked in the mirror at the corner of the room. Wow. Obviously Alice had dressed you, a tight black dress hugging your form. When you were human, you'd been a little chubby, but now, it all seemed to be toned and curvy, the dress hugging all the right places. Your hair, once dull and lifeless, seemed to flow endlessly and your eyes. Red. As red as the blood that once flowed through your veins. You knew what this meant. You were a vampire. You had no heart beat, your senses were heightened, eyes red, cold skin... and the hunger. A low growl rose from your throat and you grasped it with your icy hands. It burned. You started to panic slightly, no one was here and you were a vampire, you had died. It was all too much. You felt the need to kill. To satiate the hunger. Your eyes glowed. You could smell blood just outside the door, even thought it had a wet dog smell accompanied with it you still craved it. You ran, the hunger too much to contain yourself, blinded by thirst, you whizzed through the Cullen house like a rocket, destroying everything in your path to get to the one thing you wanted most. You were so close, but hands just like yours, stone like and icy grabbed you from all angles, holding you down, you fought and managed to get away until someone wrapped their arms around you so tightly you could hardly move, even with your newborn strength. You new it was Emmett. The only one in the house hold strong enough to even think about subduing a new born. Then in a flash, in front of your crazed eyes, your love, Jasper Hale, trying to calm you, no doubt using his powers, as all of a sudden a wave crashed over you, you didn't feel as angry or confused, the strong emotions you had been feeling sort of dulled into a buzzing noise in the back of your mind.

"Jas?" Your eyes softened, as you looked at him. He looked tired, if vampires could look tired. He was staring at you, as if you were a dream. You reached out a hand to him, the sunlight beaming through the window, catching your new skin, making it glisten like a thousand tiny diamonds. "Wha-what, what happened, I, I died?" Emmetts grip relaxed slightly, your fiancé, taking you in his arms squeezing you as tight as he could, his face nuzzled in your neck, your hair, then in one swift movement his lips were on yours, he'd missed you so much. Now more than ever, your lips seemed to fit against each others perfectly, your body fit against the curves of his like you were pieces of the same jigsaw.

-A couple of weeks later-

For a new born, apparently you'd shown extreme control, just like Bella had. Maybe it's because you'd been with the Cullens seeing how they lived their 'Veggie" diet before you turned. Just because you could control your urges to rip peoples throats out, didn't mean you didn't want to do it, sometimes it was all you thought about. But you were learning, and doing well, which is what counted. Jasper was with you constantly, never leaving your side. Literally... it was as if you were two magnets stuck together. He had the most experience in training new borns and he naturally calmed you when he was near anyway, without having to use his powers.

You were still no closer to figuring out who had stabbed you that fateful day. Why would someone go after you? Why was there any reason? All the conflict was over.. wasn't it?

You had a theory, which was the only one that made sense. The wolves could smell straight away that whoever had stabbed you was a vampire. It would make sense, you didn't even see the person. They were too fast. Your theory was that, someone from the opposing side of the battle didn't take too kindly to being out smarted and shown up by your family. They were sending a message, one that had been receive loud and clear.

It was hard to control Japser the day you put your theory forward to the family. They had all suspected something similar but no one had said it out loud until then, lets just say Jasper was more than pissed, he was out for blood. To be honest, so were the wolves. They didn't take too kindly to vampires killing humans on their turf, especially someone they liked.

The truth in the matter was however, unless the Cullens wanted another war on their hands, there was nothing they could do about it. What proof did they have? What could they do about it anyway? What was done was done, it's not like you could turn human again, not that you'd want to anyway. As horrible and traumatic as it had been, the fact that you didn't even have a choice in the matter, you were somewhat grateful to be turned. You were experiencing life just like your partner now, you'd be with him forever, you wouldn't be the odd one out, missing things because of being too slow, weak, fragile. You were just like the rest of them now. Even better in some senses.

Some vampires were granted gifts with the change. You were one of them. You had what Emmett like to call....

Blood Red Mist.


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