Sam Uley | Pack Wife

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr


"I just don't know what to do guys." Sam throws his body onto the couch, head in hands as he anxiously rubs at his temples.

"We can't do nothing...can we?" Quil asks quietly, looking round at the pack as they get comfortable at various points around the room.

Sam watches the reaction of the pack members to gage his next steps; Paul shakes his head in anger, Embry nods at Quil in agreement whilst Jared stares out of the window in deep thought.

"Bella aside...this redhead and her army is a threat to everything we love." Jacob announces, hovering in the doorway, a pleading look in his eyes. "I know that most of you won't ever see what I see in Bella, won't ever understand how I feel for her." He looks over at Paul at that statement, Paul rolls his eyes and looks away, out towards the back door. "But this is a threat to our home, our families. We have to work with the Cullens on this."

"We can protect our own without siding with bloodsuckers." Paul mutters under his breath, easily heard by those around him. Jacob's calm expression quickly disappears, a soft growl rumbling in his throat.

"If you have something to say Lahote, just say it to my face."

The two of them are quickly out of their seats, in eachother's faces, their bodies vibrating with anger, the growls getting louder.

"Enough!" You shout as loud as you can, emerging from the kitchen. Everyone but Jacob and Paul quickly turn to face you, shock evident on their faces at you raising your voice. You, Sam's quiet but fiercely loyal imprint, who had become a surrogate mother to many of the pack, your home becoming a place of comfort when the difficulties of life as a wolf became too much.

"Get those two out of my house RIGHT NOW!" You point towards Jacob and Paul, who are edging closer and closer to each other, faces slick with sweat and bodies on the edge of shifting. The pack looks at you blankly until recognition settles on Jared's face, and he pulls Paul away towards the back door, Quil and Embry doing the same for Jacob until only you and Sam are left.

"I'm sorry." He whispers as he stands in front of you, pulling you towards him, burying his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent to calm himself.

"You don't need to be sorry." You say softly, reaching your arms up to wrap around his neck. He hums in response, unsure whether to believe you.

"I can go and speak to them if you want?" You ask, knowing he will probably say know, but feeling like you have to. Your friendship with Bella was what brought you to Sam, and you had got to know the Cullens like a second family before Edward had left and your life was turned upside down when you met the pack.

You feel Sam shake his head against your skin. "I don't want you going there to help us, I can deal with it. It's just...stressful you know? These are big decisions. I think it's just weighing on me."

Pulling away from his embrace you hold onto his jaw, forcing him to look at you, your eyes narrowed at him trying to read his expression.

"Ok. I won't go to help the pack..." Sam raises his eyebrow at your response, acknowledging your carefully chosen words.

"Y/N..." He warns, but you choose to ignore him, instead placing a quick kiss on his cheek, heading back into the kitchen.

The next day you take a deep breath as you pull up outside the Cullen house, a feeling of familiarity waving over you from the times you had accompanied Bella after promising Charlie you would keep her out of trouble. That went well. You tell yourself.

Before you even have a chance to reach the door it opens, Carlisle smiling at you with open arms, but you hesitate, instead choosing to smile softly at him, hovering on the porch.

"She hasn't come here for a reunion Carlisle." Edward whispers, appearing at Carlisle's side, and you spot Bella hovering behind him, trying to catch your eye.

"He's right, I haven't. I've come to, tell you to leave the pack out of this." You shudder at the cold tone to your voice but realise that it is necessary, that you need to protect your family. This thought causes Edward to frown.

"What about Bella, is she not your family?" His tone is mocking, having listened to your thoughts, intent on using them against you.

"You know that isn't what I meant. But the pack has a responsibility to protect EVERYONE from the redhead, as much as I trust you all...ultimately you will all protect Bella above anyone else." Edward moves to respond again before Carlisle holds out an arm to stop him.

"No harm will come to anyone. Everyone is under our protection too Y/N. But we need the pack at the front line to help us ensure that is possible. I know that the first priority is the reservation...but you can't protect the reservation if we fail at the first hurdle because the wolves aren't there to help." Carlisle's tone is calm and measured, a stark contrast to his son's, and he watches your reaction carefully.

"I will speak with Sam. But you need to promise that the pack will be safe."

Carlisle shakes his head. "I can't promise that they will be safe, but I promise that I will do everything in my power to try and make that possible."

You hesitate for a moment, fear gripping at your heart at the thought of anyone in the pack becoming injured. As if he could hear this thought, Carlisle makes a suggestion.

"We can train them. These newborns are different to what they would expect...but Jasper has experience...we can train them." He offers, gesturing behind him to where Jasper is hovering.

You don't reply, simply nodding at the offer, sending Carlilse a quick goodbye before heading back to your car.

Whilst you weren't keen on the idea of sending your loved ones straight into danger, you knew Carlisle was right. That the only way to truly ensure the reservation would stay safe was to make sure the newborns got nowhere near them. Now you just had to persuade Sam...

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