Alec Volturi | Hurricane

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: One shot were Alec Volturi human mate is sent to live with the Cullens for protection but she ends up seriously hurt and they have to inform the Volturi and Alec and the guards show up and Alec is extremely mad and threatens to torture all of them


 Alec was angry. Well, maybe that was an understatement, but was there a better word to describe him?

The Cullen family had one job and they couldn't even manage to do it. He wasn't sure why you, his mate, had to be sent to Forks when he could easily protect you himself, but everyone insisted until things had calmed down in Volterra.

But what good was that? You were injured and it was entirely the Cullens fault.

You could feel the entire mood change when Alec stepped foot onto the Cullen property. Every vampire looked as though they feared for their lives and honestly, they probably did. They were terrified of the Volturi anyway and now one of their mates was hurt. It was not a good combination.

You rolled your eyes when he kicked the door in. Alec always did love being dramatic and he didn't hide it when he walked in looking like he was Death itself. He stormed forward, wrapping his hand around Edward's throat and pushing him against the wall.

You pushed yourself up from the couch, making sure to keep your bandaged leg elevated as you watched your mate. His teeth were dangerously close to the boy's throat.

"What's stopping me from killing every single one of you?" He growled, red eyes flashing dangerously as he eyed the rest of the family. "It was a simple job and you all failed to do it."

No one noticed the rest of the Guard walk in, too caught up in keeping Alec from ripping Edward's head off. Felix greeted you, eyeing your leg in distaste before glaring at the rest of the Cullens.

"Brother." Jane stalked forward. "Shouldn't you be checking on your mate before you carry out your plans?"

Alec froze, almost as if he forgot you would be at the house in the first place. He tossed Edward aside, eyes landing on you as he shot to your side. He took your face in his hands, a stark comparison to how he was just treating Edward.

"I'm so sorry." He murmured, pressing a kiss to your brow and then your hand. "I knew I never should have left you here."

"It's not your fault, Alec." You hushed him. "No one could have known that this would happen."

He closed your eyes, pressing your palm against his cheek in order to calm himself. "I'm never letting you out of Volterra again unless I'm at your side. This could have been more serious than it is. You could've died."

"I know." You winced, thinking back to the horrible accident that occurred just days before. "But I'm here now and you are too. And I'd like to go home."

His eyes shot open and he nodded, stiffly. "Once I take care of-"

"No." You shook your head, silencing his words. "They know they're in trouble and you will not be the one carrying out the sentence. You will be taking me home."

He turned to glare at the Cullens once you were safely tucked in his arms. "Be grateful for Y/n today. If she were not here, every single one of you would be burning tonight."

"Alec, truly, we are so sorry." Esme spoke, her eyes wide with fear but Alec only scoffed.

"It should've never happened." He answered, nodding at Felix and Demetri as he headed for the door. "And they'll make sure it never will again."

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