Paul Lahote | Expecting

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Summary: What's it like expecting when you're family is a pack of shapeshifters? A whole lotta love.
Warnings: Swearing


A groan left Y/N's lips as she bent over to put a batch of cookies in the oven, grabbing her lower back as she stood up.

The sound of hurried footsteps alerted her as Emily ran towards her. "Y/N! Go sit down, I can do it!" She reprimanded.

"I'm fine Emily." Y/N laughed as she put her hand on her stomach, subconsciously rubbing it.

"Nope, you're nine months along missy. One wrong move and you'll pop like a balloon." The older woman gently coaxed Y/N towards the couch.

"I'm not immobile, and I'd still like to help. I hate leaving you to do all of the cooking, especially for a hungry pack of wolves."

"I'm used to it, plus we're also feeding a hungry pup." Emily teased as she handed Y/N a cup of decaffeinated tea.

"Well the cookies are in the oven and the roast is in the crockpot. The only thing we need to do now is make the cornbread." Y/N hummed as she took a sip of tea, leaning back on the couch.

"I got that covered." Emily smiled, her mouth opening before she closed it again.

Y/N narrowed her eyes playfully at her friend, "What is it?" She asked.

Emily squealed. "I'm just so excited! I can't wait to meet my godchild."

The other woman giggled. "You and Sam are going to be great god parents, I'm positive."

"Have you and Paul even thought of names yet?" Emily sat next to her, sipping her own cup of tea.

"We have! Though we've decided not to tell anyone. It's a surprise, especially since we're not sure if they're a boy or a girl."

"I don't know how you could wait till you give birth to find out the gender. Aren't you curious at all?"

"Of course! I just don't want to be gender biased you know? Whether they're a boy or a girl we will love them all the same."

"That's so adorable." Emily gushed.

Whoops and hollers floated through the kitchen, indicating the pack was back. Emily quickly got up, grabbing some bowls from the cabinet for the roast stew.

Jacob was the first to enter. "It smells amazing in here!" He said as he quickly claimed a seat at the small table.

"Dude I'm starving!" Embry called as he walked in, smacking Jacob's head as he ran past him and jumped onto the couch beside Y/N.

"Careful Embry!" Sam hollered, giving Y/N an apologetic look.

"I'm fine." She laughed, patting Embry's head.

Jared and Seth were next, shoving eachother through the door.

"Y/N!" Seth yelled running over. "Is she kicking?" He asked as he gently put his hand on her stomach.

"It could be a boy." Leah said as she threw her hair into a ponytail.

"I don't care as long as they know I'm the best Uncle." Quil piped up.

"I'm automatic favorite, I got godfather." Sam bragged as he gave Emily a kiss on the cheek.

"Well I'm the actual father." Paul chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Y/N, giving her a kiss as she leaned her head up to meet him. "How are you feeling?" He asked her.

She smiled at him. "A little discomfort and some contractions, but not close enough to be anything serious. Other than that we're peachy."

"I never thought I'd see the day that Paul would become a dad." Jared said.

"I know right!" Jacob agreed as he reached for a bowl of stew, Emily smacking his hand with the spatula. "Pregnant lady gets first dips." She warned.

"I'm serious though! Paul, a dad!?"

"Even I was surprised." Y/N teased as she thanked Emily for the bowl of stew.

"You're supposed to be on my side." Paul said as he rolled his eyes, taking a seat next to her. He gently rubbed his hands on her tummy. "Hey there little guy." He mumbled.

Y/N let out a small giggle.

"I'm your daddy." Paul said to her stomach. "And I promise to be there for you for the rest of my life. Even if your mama can be a pain in the ass."

Y/N gave him a playful smack to the head. "Watch it buddy."

"I'm kidding!" He laughed before getting up to grab his food.

"I think you two are going to make great parents." Emily said.

"Thanks Em, that means a lot." Paul nodded his head towards her.

The pack all turned to their separate conversations as they ate, laughter and teasing flowed through the house.

Y/N stretched as she got up, putting her bowl in the sink before turning towards her makeshift family with a smile as she watched them.

Her smile soon turned into a grimace as a sharp pain made her wince. She grabbed onto the countertop as she began breathing heavily.

"Holy shit Y/N! Are you okay?" Quil asked, being the one to notice her.

"Yeah, just contractions." She mumbled as she gripped the counter tighter, knuckles white.

Quil got up and made his way towards her, catching the attention of the room as it went quiet. "Are you sure?" He asked.

Paul went to stand but was stopped when Y/N put her hand up. "I'm fine." Her statement didn't give him any peace though, as he watched her wince.

All of a sudden a small wet patch made itself visible through Y/N's grey sweats. All was silent as she lifted her head from the growing wet spot to Paul, her eyes wide. "I-I think my water just broke."

"Oh fuck."

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