Paul Lahote | Lost In Forks (I)

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr



I've definitely not seen that before.

Ok...I'm lost. Definitely lost.

I turned around again, hoping that something would look familiar. Maybe that way? I turned to the left and walked down the muddy, overgrown path. After a few minutes the path disappeared, I pushed through the bushes and suddenly I was in a clearing.

Definitely haven't seen this clearing before. Where am I?

The clearing was misty and although it was an overcast morning (when wasn't it in Forks?) the sun was trying its hardest to break through the clouds.

Something caught my eye to the left, I was sure I could see something rustling in the bushes at the edge of the clearing. I felt eyes watching me again, those eyes are what got me lost in the first place, but dismissed it. I haven't had breakfast, it's just my sugar levels. There's no way it's the same as last time. I need to find my group. I crossed to the other side of the clearing and found another path I could follow, hoping it bring me back to my group who I hoped were waiting for me.

Paul's POV

What is she doing all the way out here?

We know as much as you do Paul, but your imprint seems determined to die this week. Isn't this the third time she's gone off on a hike by herself?

I huffed before looking back to Y/N who had just entered the clearing. She's so beautiful. Suddenly she looked directly at where Jared and I were hidden in the bushes.

Crap, can she see us? Jared's wolf rolled his eyes at me, before turning back to look at Y/N who was shaking her head before rummaging in her bag for her drink.

I wish you would just tell her already. I'm bored of following her on these death wish hikes.

I can't tell her yet. We've only just met, we haven't even gone on our date yet. After our first meeting at the beach a couple of weeks ago, we have been texting non-stop, and finally set a date for dinner on Saturday. I couldn't wait to see her again. It's the reason I asked Sam if I could keep an eye on her whilst on patrol, to see her beautiful face as much as I could, Saturday was too far away. But as a result, she now thinks someone or something is stalking her, and has made it her mission to find out who or what it is.

That's why we're here, for the third time this week, tracking her through the woods.

30 minutes later


"Miss Y/L/N, you were advised to stay with the group several times during our orientation meeting. The orientation meeting that you've had three times this week. We can't keep you safe if we don't know where you are".

The group leader glared at me with an exasperated look. He was fed up, having spent an hour trying to explain to me this morning that if I walked off again they wouldn't accept me on a group walk again.

"I'm sorry, I thought I saw something, and then I turned around but everyone was gone".

"Again?" He rolled his eyes at me and walked back to his desk at the entrance to the hut. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, signal finally, 10 missed calls, 5 voicemails and 33 texts. Whoops. I forgot I had agreed to meet my friends in town for brunch. Those eyes distracting me again. I quickly type back a reply to the group chat, telling them I'm ok and I will meet them at the diner.

I walk out of the hut and start walking fast towards the diner, I get ready to cross the road when suddenly I get the feeling again and whip my head to look to the tree line. The eyes, again. Weird. I'm brought back to my senses by a car honking and skidding towards me, I quickly step back onto the path and immediately fall on my butt. Ouch.

Paul's POV

Jared laughs out loud as Y/N stands up rubbing her butt where she fell to the ground.

Ok, I'll tell her on Saturday.

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