Volturi Kings | Trouble

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: Hello, I would like to request please a poly relationship with the reader and the Volturi leaders where the reader wants to outside, but her mates say no, but she sneaks out anyway, and something terrible happens. Only if you can of course


You peeked around the corner, checking to make sure the coast was clear before you made your way to the castle doors. Today was the day you would make it outside the Volturi castle - you were absolutely determined.

Your three mates - Caius, Aro and Marcus - had completely forbid you from leaving the castle walls, which you hated of course. You were human after all, at least for the next few years, and you didn't want to be locked in a castle until then. You still wanted to do human things, and it was hard when you lived in a castle of vampires.

You gently opened the door, slipping out of it easily and breathed in the fresh air of the city. This was the first time you had been out by yourself since you first arrived in Volterra a few years ago. After adjusting your bag over your shoulder, you began your stroll into town.

All you wanted to do was pop into a few shops and then you'd be back to the castle - hopefully before your kings discovered you were missing.

However, your peaceful stroll was cut short when you heard a low whistle behind you. You turned, lips turning up in a grimace when you saw the man walking towards you with a dirty grin. His eyes grazed your form, smiling widely when he saw your annoyed face. "Need any company today, bella ragazza?"

You rolled your eyes. "I'm perfectly fine on my own."

As you turned to walk away from the creepy man, he jumped forward and grabbed you by your elbow. He stood closely to you now, close enough to where you could smell his breath. You gasped as he turned you towards him. "You sure you don't want to rethink my offer?"

"She said she was fine."

Oh shit. You turned to your right, shoulders drooping when you saw the kings walking your way. The man released your elbow, holding his hands up as he backed away. "I was just messing around. All good fun, right?"

You glared at him, though you didn't have time to say anything as Caius growled at the man. His eyes widened and he spun on his heel before he ran. You watched him go, trying to avoid looking at the kings.

"What," Caius began, his voice low in anger, "were you thinking?"

You sighed, turning to him. "I can't stay locked in the castle. And I'm sorry, I know you're trying to keep me safe, but I'm going insane in there."

Marcus grabbed your hand. "Do you know what would have happened if we hadn't figured it out? That man could've hurt you."

You reached up to rub his cheek with your thumb. "I'm sorry, really."

You grabbed Aro's hand next, letting him see you thoughts to help him relax his own shoulders. "Please let me go out more."

"No." Caius began to speak again, but Marcus quickly cut him off.

"She will be allowed to go out, brother." Caius glared at Marcus, but Aro jumped in quickly.

"As long as you have a guard." When you began to protest, he stopped you with a finger against your lips. "They won't be right next to you, but close enough to help you if something goes wrong."

You smiled at the raven haired king, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to his lips. "Thank you, Aro. And you as well, Marcus."

You squeezed Marcus's hand before turning to Caius. "I'm sorry, Caius. I promise you'll know when I go out again."

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, before walking towards you and kissing your cheek. He looked towards his brothers. "How will we ever say no to her?"

Marcus and Aro laughed. "I don't believe we will."

You smiled. "Okay, we can go back to the castle now. Thanks for saving me."

"Anytime, my love."

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