Edward Cullen | Danger

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Summary: Y/N, Paul's cousin stumbles upon something he shouldn't had seen in the woods.
Warnings: Swearing


The flash of a camera disturbed the peaceful atmosphere of the forest, Y/N bringing it away from his face to look at the photo he'd just taken.

A sigh escaped his lips as he let his camera fall, the strap holding it around his neck as it bounced against his chest lightly.

The picture was gorgeous of course, but not to Y/N's liking. He wanted to capture the forest in all its glory. Scratch that, he needed to capture the forest in all its glory.

Photography class was tough enough, but the competition that came with it was grueling, and Y/N was no exception. He wanted to be the very best, and to do that he needed to find a different place to shoot.

Grabbing his bag and putting it on his back, he began to make his way further into the forest. Avoiding uprooted trees and other things he'd rather not have on his shoes.

Out of the corner of his eye, something ran past causing him to stop. He turned his head, the only thing there a fallen tree.

Heart thumping in his chest he told himself to forget it and began walking again.

Rustling sounds came from behind him, causing him to whip around. "Who's there?" He called.

The only answer he received was the chirping of a bird in the distance. He huffed, calling himself paranoid before turning back towards the path he was headed on.

His heart caught in his throat, as he noticed a figure standing in the distance. It was too far to tell who, or what it was for that matter.

"H-hello?" His voice shook.

The figure stood there in silence before turning and running away.

"What the fuck?" Y/N cursed before running after it.

Ignoring the tree branches scratching at his arms and legs he kept going, curiosity getting the best of him.

A thump caused him to jump, turning around to come face to face with his cousin, Paul.

"Paul? Have you been here this whole time?" Y/N asked.

"What are you doing way out here?" Paul growled out, ignoring his question.

"I could ask you the same thing, but I was taking pictures for my photography class." He held up his camera for proof. "Were you following me?"

Paul's eyes widened. "Someone was following you? Did you see who?"

"No, but by your reaction I'm assuming it wasn't you."

Paul shook his head. "No, it definitely wasn't me. Have you not seen the news? It's dangerous out here." His voice softened. "Come on, let's go to Emily's. She's missed you."

"If it's so dangerous then why are you out here?" He replied, eyebrow raised.

Paul huffed. "I thought I heard you and went to check out it, now let's go."

Y/N sent a glare his way, hesitant before he turned, allowing his eyes to scan his surroundings for the figure he'd seen earlier. Seeing nothing he nodded, turning back towards his cousin. "It was probably a deer or something." He said, though he didn't sound very convinced. He began his way towards Emily's house, oblivious to the glare Paul was giving the greenery behind him.


It had been a few days since the events of the forests took place. Not only was the curiosity of the mysterious figure eating Y/N alive, he still didn't have a picture for his class.

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