Carlisle Cullen | Mr. I want to suck your blood (II)

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By : it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream | Tumblr

Carlisle Cullen x Reader

Word Count : 2,512

Warnings : Swearing? A bit angsty, mentions of death

Chapter 2

"Imprinting on someone is like when you see them, everything changes. All of a sudden it's not gravity holding you the planet, it's them. Nothing else matters."

The drive to the Cullen's house felt long and it was too quite. You were starting to think even you might be a vampire considering how loud you could hear your own heart beat. Bella had reassured you there was nothing to be afraid of, and if there was one person you trusted, it was Bells.

You had officially met all the Cullen's before in one way or another. In passing, forming friendships.... in hospital. But you didn't really know them. Not the real them. Your mind flickered back to the blonde haired man you had met in the hospital a couple of weeks ago. Dr Carlisle Cullen. You shivered at the thought of seeing him again, a good shiver. You felt a heat rise throughout your whole body as you thought about how his eyes had looked at you the first time you had met. Soulmates. You snorted, and Bella gave you a strange look. Oh god, what were you getting yourself into?

Bella pulled up outside the modern white house. She moved to open the truck door but you stopped her. "Bella I don't know if I can do this. Vampires is one thing, going in there and coming face to face with a man twice my age who is meant to be my soulmate is a whole other bag of crazy." She squeezed your good hand reassuringly then told you to basically, suck it up, because its happening. The sooner you accepted it the sooner you could actually start living your life, knowing the things of myths and legends were very very real.

You watched as Edward and Alice walked out of the house. Bella told you to take a moment and she went to stand with them both. Alice was looking at you with a worried expression, she didn't want you to think of her any differently, as a monster.... she was genuinely just your friend. Then there was Edward, who just so happened to be able to hear every single thing you thought. Shit. Edward smirked at you and you rolled your eyes. You thought something very hard to the point where you almost gave yourself a headache. What? You didn't know how this vampire shit worked. "Edward, can you ask Alice to come and sit in the car, I need to talk to her..... alone please." You watched as Mr Dreamy pants spoke to Alice and nodded toward the car. Bella and Edward left to go into the house and you were left there alone.

"So, You're a vamp, that's cool." You burst out crazy laughing and Alice started laughing with you. But then you started to cry, you emotions getting the better of you. Oh fuck off this was so confusing. She hugged you and you spoke for a while. Hearing everything from Alice too made life seem a lot better. She was still just..... Alice.

"I'm scared. About Carlisle. Were supposed to be soulmates or whatever the heck that means, I've never even had a human boyfriend let alone a vampire one who is hundreds of years old!" She laughed again reassuring you that everything was going to be fine. Apparently as soon as he had found out he'd told his family, and all of them, even Esme were ecstatic. They knew this day would come eventually and they couldn't be happier for him. Even if his mate was human and young enough to be his daughter apparently. Things worked differently in the vampire world.

-Carlisles POV-

Carlisle was pacing. Not something he usually did but I guess he does now. She still hadn't come in yet. Edward had said he'd read her mind and she was worried, scared, anxious. All of the above. He understood of course that it must have been a lot for her to take in, but he hoped his mate would actually like him enough to want to step into the house at least. The normally cool, calm and collected Dr had so much going through his mind it was giving Edward a metaphorical headache. As soon as he had realised Y/N was his blood singer, he told every member of his family. Telling Esme was the hardest. She had once known her Blood singer but fate was cruel and took him from her, she hadn't yet found her second chance at a mate, but she knew she wouldn't have been with Carlisle forever. She was overjoyed at Carlisles news, knowing how it once felt to be so infatuated with someone. She would happily step aside, for she owed Carlisle that much at least. Rosalie, wasn't all too happy about the news, she thought having another human in the mix was too risky for the family, especially with the newborn army and Victoria on the way, she didn't like the idea, but there was nothing she could do about it.

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