Alec Volturi | Mind Over Matter

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By : avyannadawn | Tumblr


You trailed behind Bella and Edward, matching the pace of Alice as you walked down the intricate halls of the Volterra castle.

You marvelled at the detailing into each arch you walked under, your eyes lit with wonder. Even though your hands felt clammy as your anxiety rose with each step, you couldn't help but fall in love with the architecture around you.

Your family had told you stories of the Volturi, the horrors of who they were and what they did to other vampires. You were fairly new to the whole vampire world, barely out of your newborn phase, but the fear from what they did to newborns stuck with you.

As you collectively walked up to the two large oak doors, the two guards- Felix and Demetri, if you remembered correctly sped past you, opening the doors.

You stepped into the throne room, your hand clutching onto Alice's gloved hands. Alice looked at you, her smile weary as her eyes shot to the front. You followed her gaze to wear two figures stood on the side of a blond man on a throne.

The brunette boy beside him was staring intently at you, his eyebrows raising as he watched you. You felt something snap into place within you as your golden eyes locked onto his deep burgundy ones. You let out a small gasp as you stepped backwards, your eyes wide with shock and realisation. Alec, the fearsome witch twin, was your mate.

Your head snapped towards Alice, betrayal etched across your face as your conversation from before filtered through your head. Alice had been able to get Edward on the phone just as she pulled up at the airport, her conversation hurried and hushed. She told you that you had an important role to play in the safety of Edward and that he needed you. It all made sense now.

"That's why you brought me here, to barter my life for Bellas," you whispered, "a human." It was Edward who spoke up then, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. "Im sorry, Y/n," he said, softly although his eyes held no guilt whatsoever. "Your trading my life for some human? Im your sibling, Edward." Your hurt dispersed into anger, causing your ability to bubble over.

You could feel your power shoot through your veins, its warmth licking up your palm as your emotions. Alice's gloved hand reached out, gripping your arm, pulling you to her. "Y/n, calm down, please." You looked down to see your veins glowing underneath your skin. It always looked as if someone had poured liquid gold through them every time you used your ability. Aro then stepped in, intervening before Alec could. He waved off Alice as he raised his hand to you, "May I?" You knew him asking for your hand wasn't a question, more so a command, but you complied nonetheless.

The veins in your hand shone even brighter as you placed your hand in his. Aro's eyes glazed over as he lowered his head. A giggle fell off his lips as his head shot up, his eyes wide with greed as he looked at you. "My, my, my, you are extraordinary. The gift of light. You can set anything alight with a single blink although... you are yet to control it. " He looked behind him to his brothers, "It seems as if we have another powerful member of our family." You knew his words were meant to be a comfort to you and a jab to Alice and Edward, and the thought made you smile. Edward opened his mouth to say something but was immediately cut off, "If Y/n allows it, you are free to leave if she wishes to stay here. With her mate."

All eyes turned to you, heads tilting in questioning as to what your answer would be. You swallowed nervously, "I'll stay, but what happens to them is up to you." That answer seemed to please aro very much. His eyes were alight with joy as he laughed, clapping his hands together as he looked to Alec, ignoring all noise of protest arising from your former family.

"Alec, my boy, escort your mate to your room." Alec nodded, his eyes never leaving you as he walked down the steps and to you. You looked down, walking beside him as you started to exit the throne room.

You couldn't look at Alice nor Edward, and you knew for a fact that if you laid eyes on Bella, you'd rip her throat out. You hated her, hated her for the division she'd created in your family.

Alec walked slowly beside you down the halls, his eyes trained solely on you. "Are you disappointed?" You looked up, eyebrows furrowing at his question. "What?"

"Are you disappointed that I'm your mate? Is that why you look upset?" Your eyes widened as you shook your head, your heart squeezing at the thought of him even thinking that. "No, no, im not surprisingly. Im upset that I meant so little to my own family that they'd sell me out like that." Alec took in your words, nodding slightly as he guided you gently to your room. Something struck a nerve deep within him as he looked at the hurt shining in your eyes.

He knew that feeling of hurt and betrayal like the back of his hand, and to know you, his mate was feeling that made his rage bubble. "Well, you have a new family now, and we're not going anywhere. Plus, we can help you with your ability." Your eyes lit up at his words, although your lips curled into a frown. "I doubt it, Carlisle has been trying for over a decade, and nothing has changed, im still out of control."

Alec reached out, grabbing your hand, interlocking your fingers as he continued to walk down the hall. "It all mind over matter, as soon as you decide that you want to control your ability, the rest will follow," he surprised even himself at how gentle his voice sounded at how delicately he was treating you.

He stopped in front of his room, nodding to the door, "this is where you'll staying." You nodded, watching as he opened the door, allowing you to walk in before him. "Thank you, is this your room?"

He looked sheepish as he scratched the back of his neck. He watched you intently, waiting for any sign of negative emotions or for you to say anything, but you just smiled. "Um, I'll give you some space. Make yourself at home, this is your room now, after all."

You chuckled, shaking your head, marvelling at how the horrid witch twin, the boy destroyed an entire coven (save by two), one rumoured to be emotionless. And yet here he was, looking flustered over the fact that you were in his room. "Please stay, if you don't have guard duty I'd love to get to know you," you questioned, your anxiety now building up at the chance that he'd say no. But by the way his eyes seemed to light up, all those anxious feelings ebbed away. "I'd be honoured."

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