Demetri Volturi | It Ends Tonight

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr


You are the human lover of Demetri. When you find yourself catching feelings you decide to put an end to it, knowing that your relationship was only ever meant to be physical. Demetri disagrees.

"When will I see you next?" You ask hesitantly as you watch him button his shirt at the end of the bed. He turns to look at you, a small smile tugging at his lips when he meets your eye, causing your face to flush. He does up the last button then crawls towards you across the bed, pressing a needy kiss to your lips.

"Possibly not for some days, I will be away..." He replies huskily as his kisses continue along your jawline.

"...And you will come to me when you return?" You question, leaning your head back giving him access to your neck. He continues pressing kisses into your skin, his teeth grazing the veins of your neck as he answers.

"As soon as I return mia cara ragazza."

"How long are you away for?"

His kisses stop as he sits up to look at you, head tilted to the side as he watches you.

"Why all these questions la mia belleza? These trivial things have never mattered before?" He caresses your cheek with his index finger, watching your face intently, trying to read your expression. "We have always just lived in this moment, however fleeting it may be."

You try to look anywhere but his eyes, those crimson eyes that draw you in, make you forget yourself. Any other time you would give in to the feeling, happy to have whatever you could get of him, but this time you couldn't. This time you had to fight it, to save yourself.

"Maybe I don't want to any more." You say quietly, causing Demetri to frown.

"Don't want to what?"

You gesture to the room around you, to him, and to yourself. "This...maybe I don't want to live in the moment any longer. Maybe I want to plan, I want to know what is going on in my life." You stand up, the sheet wrapped around you as you move toward the window, watching the sun rise in the distance. You can hear him collecting his things quickly as he moves to stand behind you.

"You mean end us...end this?" He asks as his hands rest on your hips and you feel his breath on your neck.

"I don't know Demetri...I don't know what I want but..." He spins you in his grasp to look at him, his eyes searching your face.

You knew that you couldn't do this any longer, you couldn't keep hurting each time he went away, each time the weeks passed with no contact. You'd pull yourself together, manage to convince yourself that it would be for the best if he didn't return, only for him to show up again out of the blue and you'd be thrown right back to where you started. Those terms you had agreed on in that first night of passion, words uttered between heated, desperate kisses...the look in his eyes. What he didn't know was that you would have agreed to anything he would have said just to call him yours for the night.

"Maybe I do.." You whisper, watching his face for a reaction. You were sure that you saw a flash of pain in his eyes, but it was replaced so quickly by a cold stare that you were sure you must have imagined it.

He nods at you, his hands pulling away from your body, twitching at his sides as he gathers his jacket and his cloak and walks to the door, leaving you wrapped in your sheet, your mouth fumbling over the words you need to say to make him stay. As he opens the door he pauses, as if he is debating turning around to look at you one last time. But he doesn't. He leaves, without another word.

What you didn't know was that he didn't want to leave you, not this time or any other time he had to go. That he had to ignore his body desperately calling to him each time as it yearned to stay with you. You didn't know that he had argued so many times with his best friend that you "weren't just a human". That you had managed to break through the ice of his cold heart, buried yourself so deep that he was sure you would never leave unless you told him to. You didn't know that he had met with the Kings, told them of his feelings, told them what he wished for. You didn't know that Marcus had asked him to bring you to him, that he had sensed the pull from Demetri, but needed you to be sure. You didn't know that you were his mate, the one he was destined to be with.

As Demetri turns to look up at your window, reassuring himself that he had done the best thing for you. You'd told him to leave. Told him that this wasn't what you wanted anymore, and he was going to respect that. Let you have the life you wanted, not the life that was going to thrust upon you by being his mate.

The outline of your body in the window calls to him, his body desperate to get back to you. He sighs, gathering all the energy he can to fight the pull toward you.

His heart burns in his chest as he walks away.

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