Paul Lahote | Hothead (I)

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By : refiwrites | Tumblr

Word count: 1,264

Warning/s: none or if you count Paul being a hothead that is :p



To say you were frantic was an understatement, knuckles turning white as it gripped the steering wheel of your car. You were headed towards Jacob's place as you received a call from him that Bella was on her way there and Jacob was just about to go there as well, something about confronting Sam and his some sort of "group"

You were worried for two reasons, reason number one being that Bella was like a sister to you and she meant a lot. Reason number two being that Jacob might've done something stupid to have Bella storming her way to theirs.

You've heard from Bella that Jacob seemed to change from that night they spent at the cinema, to cutting his hair short and getting big all of a sudden. Which confused you because that wasn't the Jacob you knew, and you were his cousin. You damn well know he isn't the type to suddenly cut off all connections without even talking through it.

Sooner you found yourself parking at the front of the house, spotting the pretty rusted truck that belonged to the one and only Bella Swan.

You quickly got off your car, becoming aware of your increasing heartbeat as you heard shouting from their backyard.

Before you know it, your legs were taking you to the backyard, your eyes spotting four shirtless guys and Bella in front of them, Bella had her back turned to you and it seemed like the men were too focused on her to even sense your presence.

"What did you do to him?!" Bella's words echoed throughout, you saw her shove Sam in the chest. You tried to move but it felt like you were glued to the spot.

You had no idea what to do, and to be honest, seeing Sam and his group up close kinda intimidated you like hell.

"He didn't want this."

You listened in, still not making a move.

"What did he do, hmm?" The one in the middle spat out, staring down Bella as if he was ready to rip her body to shreds at any given moment.

"What did he tell you?" There he goes again which made you feel uneasy, your feet slowly marching towards the commotion.

You saw Sam reach out a hand to them, halting them. "Both of you calm down."

You almost let out a scoff since the man in the middle looked like he was about to explode within a snap of a finger.

"Nothing, he tells me nothing because he's scared of you!" Bella answered, in which confused you as to why the group responded with a chorus of laughter, seeming to take what Bella said as a joke.



That seemed to shake you out of your nerves as you saw the deadly glint of the eyes of the man who Bella happened to bitch slap.

'He deserves it' Your mind uttered as you ran towards Bella, hoping to stop what is about to happen.

You saw how he turned red in the face from anger and... steam..? That was supposedly emitting out of him.

"Too late now." One of them said.

"Bella, get back." Sam ordered yet she took a few seconds before slowly backing up.

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