Demetri Volturi | Unconditional Love

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By : like-rain-or-confetti | Tumblr


You had a special connection to Demetri for nearly a century.
The distance apart only made the love grow fonder in your experience. Demetri being in the Volturi, a high ranking guard, was an obstacle in making the two of you being official. That and your company.

You were good friends with the Cullen's and visited often.
Tensions were still high between them and the Volturi since the confrontation about Renesmee. Although neither of you wanted that to get in the way, nor did you really have a choice in the matter.

"Dare I say it, it seems as though you have missed me." Demetri teased.
"It's been 7 months, of course I have missed you."
"I appreciate you sparing me a thought." He replied.

"A thought?" You let out a laugh. "Demetri I think about you all the time. What you're doing in that moment, who you're speaking with, every tiny little thing."

"I think of you often." Demetri smiled at you. "Oh? You think of me even on duty?" You quirked an eyebrow along with the light tease and Demetri chuckled. "I think our times together. The times we've yet to have. The time I can only hope to share with you."

There was something oddly fatal in his words. As though they were something of an impossibility.

"Why on earth would you spare me a thought when you have seen the things you've seen. You tell me you have to travel a lot and the places sound beautiful." You asked.
Demetri hummed with uncertainty. "I've fallen out of love with the world. I've lived too long." He said and you looked at him with confusion.

"I didn't realise you were unhappy. Although you are older than me. I suppose it does get difficult with everything changing." You replied.

"People think that you have to be unhappy with the your life or hate every day you breathe but it's not. If anything, living has taught me that you fall out of love with the world when you've seen the same things over and over again and it just makes you sad." Demetri explained.
"That can't be appealing." You said and he offered you a smile as he took your hand. "I imagine it'd be better if I brought you with me." You squeezed his hand, returning his smile.

Just as he did most nights he was around, Demetri showed up at your door. Demetri smiled, an arm behind his back as he watched you approach him. "Good evening, sir." You teased with a small grin.

He offered you his arm and the two of you walked into the night.
As you both walked under the bridge, streets away from the nightlife, you looked at each other and smiled you walked in the middle of the cobblestone road with so much distance the two of you were on either side of the bridge, your hands joining the two of you. Neither of you could help but smile at the coincidence as you heard music from streets away.
'I think we're alone now. There doesn't seem to be anyone around.'
How oddly fitting for a time like this. Where you had no judging eyes, no need to hold up appearances. No more stealing glances and touches. The two of you could simply be in that moment.

Demetri was nervous upon the next visit because the sun was out and beaming. However whilst he let that dampen the mood, you did not.
"Come... Stairway to Nowhere." You said, moving to pull him along.
"What? Stairway to what?" Demetri couldn't help but smile.
"Stairway to Nowhere! Come on! I'll show you."
It was exactly as you had said. A stairway of wooden steps to nowhere. Literally. The bluest water had submerged the bottom of the steps. The water so clear and untouched that you could see the bottom.

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