Jacob Black | Idiot

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By : wiltingdaisies | Tumblr

words: 4,630
dialogue prompt: "can i yell across this crowded room and tell him that he's an idiot?" & "obviously, you have mistaken me for someone who gives a crap."
character: jacob black
fandom: twilight


I scoff as I look out the window of Embry's house and see Jacob Black following after Bella Swan as if she holds the whole world in her hands. Embry notices my sudden change in mood and looks out the window as well, quickly spotting Jacob and Bella. He gives me a look. That look he always gives me when I get irritated with Jacob. That look that says, "He's my friend, (y/n), don't give him too much crap even if he is an idiot."

I look away from the window and turn back to the movie playing on the television. Though I have been friends with Embry since we were both elementary school students, I never could get close to Jacob. When I was younger, I had the biggest crush on him which caused Embry to tease me to no end. But as we all grew up, the reason I couldn't get close to Jake was because he's moody as frick. He used to be playful and happy, which I admired at times, but now it seems he's become this angsty, brooding mess.

The fact that he's never really been nice to me also doesn't help our nonexistent friendship. In elementary school, he used to push me around and steal my food when I would hang out with Embry. In middle school, he made fun of me and the way I did my hair and the clothes I wore and my personality (which proves how much of an idiot he is, seeing as he didn't seem to understand that middle school is a time where young girls seem to feel the most insecure about themselves anyway). And in highschool, he's just been harsh, cold, and annoying. He spread rumors about me to his cultish friends until Embry found out and put a stop to it. And yet, throughout all of it, a part of me has always thought he's attractive. Maybe I would even like him if he was such a jerk.

"You know, he wishes he would imprint on Bella so badly," Embry finally sighs.

"I can tell," I play with my fingers, feeling awkward about the conversation, "but at this point, it's not looking like it's going to happen. And she seems pretty adamant about being with the vampire guy, even if he did leave her."

Embry watches as I fidget uncomfortably and then pauses the movie altogether, turning to face me. I look up at him and our eyes meet. I can tell he's looking for something, but I don't know what he expects to find. Finally he sighs again, "What do you have against him now? Didn't you used to like him?"

"I did. Until he turned into this angsty teenage mess. Now he just infuriates me. He's constantly putting you guys in danger because he's obsessed with her. Not to mention, he's a complete idiot. He never thinks things through, he acts all high and mighty, and whenever Bella even hints at possibly liking him the way he desires, he turns all overly confident. I cannot handle his attitude anymore. The testosterone is overwhelming."

For a moment, Embry just stares at me. Then once he seems to fully register what I've said, he starts laughing. I cross my arms and pout. This is not the reaction I was hoping for. Embry pulls me into a hug and pats my back in that brotherly way he always has. "You know, the Jake you had a crush on in middle school is still there. You'd just have to look under all the new muscle and height and the infatuation he has for Bella, but he's in there. Bits of that Jacob peek through every now and then. But I'll agree with you. Ever since he shifted, he seems to be different. Maybe it's just the shift, maybe it's Bella, or maybe it's the fact that he's scared (y/n/n). We all are. We're really just kids in these big grown up bodies and sometimes we turn into wolves, but we're still just kids. I don't know. I just think... maybe you should give him another chance."

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