Volturi Kings | Baby

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: Hello, how are you? In your opinion how would react and act the three Volturi king (as a poly or not, what you prefer) with a s/o who is a single mother with a very young kid (like 2-3 y/o). They would accept the baby? They would think about him/her as theirs? If yes, when the baby calls them "dad" what woul be their reaction? Sorry if it's too much. Thank you for your time.


You sighed in frustration as you watched your 3 year old son run around the corridors. He hadn't been listening to you all day and you were starting to get annoyed. Your mates Cauis, Marcus, and Aro had requested you and your son in the throne room and you were trying to fight your way there with the 3 year old - he just wasn't having it.

You hadn't been living with the Volturi long and you knew the move was a big adjustment for y/s/n. He had never grown up with a father figure but warmed up to the kings quickly, treating them each like a member of his family. To say the three men were surprised to see their mate had a child was an understatement. Unsurprisingly, they were each upset though they managed to hide their feelings in order not to hurt yours.

Cauis was the worst at it but you set him in his place rather quickly and that was that.

"Y/s/n." You hissed quietly, reaching to grab for him once more. A burst of giggles escaped his lips once you scooped him up, forcing a smile to your face. You couldn't help it - baby giggles were precious.

By the time you made it to the throne room, your son was done laughing and struggling to get out of your arms. Marcus saw you first and appeared quickly by your side, taking your child out of your arms.

Y/s/n smiled widely at Marcus, causing you to roll your eyes. Each king loved the boy just as much as he loved them. Sometimes you believed he liked your mates more than you.

"Sorry I took so long." You huffed, reaching for Aro's hand. "He didn't want to listen today."

"Every kid goes through that stage, my dear." Aro reassured with a kiss on your hand.

"I know." You sighed, turning to lean into him as you watched your son play with Caius and Marcus. "Why'd you want us here?"

"Just to spend time with you." Aro said, a teasing edge to his voice and you smiled at him and the scene in front of you.

Marcus has y/s/n pinned to his chest while Caius stood tickling him. He wiggled in Marcus' arms, a wide smile on his face and ear-splitting giggles piercing the air. "Daddy stop!"

Everyone in the room stilled. Caius and Marcus shared a look before turning to you. Your mouth opened and closed as you thought of what to say.

Your child was unaware of the mood change, instead squirming away from Marcus and running around the room.

"I didn't know he thought of me like that." Caius mumbled first.

Aro had left your side and was running his fingers over y/s/n casually. "Apparently he thinks of all of us as a father."

Your heart warmed but you began apologizing to the kings. "I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. His father was never around so he doesn't know any better."

"It doesn't make us uncomfortable." Marcus frowned, taking his hands in yours. "I'm sorry if we made you think that. I'm very happy that he thinks of us as father figures."

"I agree." Caius told you and Aro nodded alongside him.

You smiled through a sigh of relief. "I'm glad. Thank you."

Marcus kissed the side of your head before the four of you turned to watch the energetic three year old.

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