Volturi Kings | Hit On

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: Ahhh your blog is so beautiful! Do you think I might be able to request an imagine where the reader is mated to the Kings (like a poly relationship.) And she gets hit on/cat called by one of the lower guards. Possibly someone else sees, and spreads it throughout the guard until the Kings eventually find out?


A low whistle filled your ears, causing you to look up from your book. You were currently sitting in the library, trying to pass time while your mates were still in a trial. You weren't alone to begin with - Aro had sent Afton to keep an eye on you - but another vampire had entered the library.

He stood in front of you with a wicked grin, red eyes roaming up and down your form. You rolled your eyes at the man - he was clearly a lower guard member judging by the size of his crest - and closed your book. "Can I help you?"

"Who are you?" He asked, lowering his voice.

"Someone who doesn't want to be bothered." You told him harshly. "Tell me what you want or leave me alone."

"Feisty." He said with a chuckle. "You're brave to talk to me like that, human."

Your sigh was over-exaggerated as you reopened your book. You didn't want to deal with anyone who wasn't your Kings today. "Please leave me alone."

"You sure you don't want some company, beautiful?" He stalked closer to your chair, causing you to stiffen up. You didn't know this man and he clearly had no idea who you were. He must've been new. "I'm sure we can have a lot of fun together."

Before his outstretched hand could reach you, Afton had appeared between the two of you with a harsh growl. The guard flinched back, clearly confused as to why Afton had stopped him. "What's your problem?"

Afton began to speak, but you stopped him with a wave of your hand. You stood behind him and reached for the chain that rested just under your shirt to pull it into sight. The guard's eyes widened considerably, and he looked as if he could be sick.

"Oh shit."

"'Oh shit' is right." You told him. "When a girl tells you she doesn't want to be bothered, listen to her. Now you have to deal with my mates."

Afton stared at you with a grin, amused to see such a small human terrify the guard. You looked to him. "Afton, can you take us to the throne room?"

"Certainly, my Queen."

Afton threw the heavy doors open once the three of you arrived in the throne room. Aro - who had been speaking with another vampire - looked at you in shock. You rarely ever interrupted their trials.

"What is it, my dear?" He asked immediately, Caius and Marcus both on his heels. You held your hand out to him, allowing the king to read through your recent thoughts.

He eyed the guard behind you in distaste as he dropped your hand and led you over to your other two mates. The guard gulped nervously as Aro eyed him, nearly jumping across the room when Aro grabbed his hand. Aro tsked at him, but said nothing else.

Caius and Marcus held you to them closely, not entirely sure what was going on. Though, by the looks on the guard's and Aro's faces, they knew it wasn't good.

Aro hummed again as he read the boy's thoughts. "Apparently, this guard has taken a liking to our dear y/n."

Caius frowned beside you, causing you to roll your eyes. "What do you want us to do with him?"

"Nothing awful." You shrugged, grabbing Caius and Marcus's hands in yours. "Just make sure he knows to stay away from me."

"Certainly." Aro nodded, throwing another glance towards the guard. He then looked towards Afton. "Keep an eye on him for now. We'll deal with him after we finish up here."

After Afton and the guard left, Aro joined the three of you, kissing your cheek as he did so. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." You sighed, smiling at him. "Thank you for doing that Aro."

"Anything for you, darling." Marcus told you, and you squeezed his hand tightly. "Always."

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