Alec Volturi | Hell Hath No Fury (I)

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By : avyannadawn | Tumblr


You absolutely despised it.

Loathed the very idea of marriage, the thought of you being the property to a man made you sick.

You glared down at your ring, pure hatred laced within your gaze as you grimaced at the reminder of your betrothal. You didn't even know the man.

If you were to be wedded off to some scum who were to treat you as a tool, you would have preferred someone similar in age to you, not some old hag. Though it didn't make the thought of marriage any better.

It was not as if your parents really cared who they were marrying you off to, all your siblings had already surpassed the age of betrothal, wedded to the wealthiest. You were simply the last one left, the one they just needed to get rid of, the runt of the family. Which left you engaged to someone you didn't even know, someone halfway across the country. The thought had you seething.

The carriage had come to a stop, your father clearing his throat as he rose from the bench. "We are to meet him now, come along quickly." Your father smiled, his lifeless eyes somehow beaming as he stepped out of the carriage, holding his hand out for you. Fixing the skirt of your dress, you gripped your father's hand, squeezing it tightly as you stepped down. If you couldn't voice your hatred for the man, you would simply show it. Actions speak louder than words after all.

You hummed as you glanced around the rocky road leading up to the small cottage. It was not that bad, though you doubt you would ever say that aloud.

The small cottage was isolated from everything, it seemed. Flowers blooming to life at the front, trees stretching high from all sides of it. A large field located to the left of the house had stalks of wheat shooting from the hoed ground, an array of light orange and soft yellow hues contrasted off of the black cottage.

A woman stepped out of the door, her smile warm and friendly as she made her way to us. "Why hello, you must be lord Y/l/n and miss Y/n," her soft green eyes landed on me, sadness and sorrow lingering in her gaze. "Yes, that would be us. I am here to meet the boy my daughter is to-be wedded to."

Your father's voice was sharp and blunt as he gripped your hand rather harshly, tighter than your recent squeeze. The woman seemed to have seen, her eyes widening a fraction as she looked between you and your father. "Yes, right this way. My son should be out back."

She led you around the house, your skirt brushing against the grass and rubble as you walked. Thank god, you thought, at least you won't have to wear anything of the sorts here when I am married.

"Alec, the Lord is here to see you," she had called. It had just dawned on you that you don't even know the family name of the boy you are to wed to. Well, judging by how young his mother is, you assume he is young. You let out a relieved sigh as you caught a glimpse of a seemingly young boy. His back was to you as he raised an axe, his body twisting as it flew down, slicing blocks of wood in half.

He turned, his sweat-slicked hair sticking to his forehead. Even from where you stood, you could see his green eyes sparkle in the sun, uncanny to his mothers.

We met him halfway, he strode over in large steps, bowing to his mother as he turned to us. That shocked you, never, not once had you ever seen a man show such respect to his mother, only that sort of respect is shown to the men.

He then turned to your father, not meeting your eye as he slightly bowed his head to him. It wasn't as low as it was to his mother but your father didn't seem to notice. "I am Alexander, a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

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