Embry Call | Never Again

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Summary: Embry hasn't imprinted on his girlfriend Y/N and fears for their future.
Warnings: Swearing, Angst


"We'll be back soon." Embry mumbled, his face buried in Y/N's neck.

A giggled escaped her as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "I know that." She smiled. Be safe and come home."

"When do I not?" He smirked as he let go of her, giving her a quick kiss.

"Embry hurry up! Patrol starts in five!" Paul yelled from across the field.

Embry rolled his eyes before running towards the pack, Y/N waving at his retreating form.

Emily came up behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Wanna help me with dinner? Lord knows they'll need a lot."

Y/N let out a snort. "They always need a lot."

Emily smiled before the girls walked into the house, Emily throwing Y/N an apron. "You have chicken duty, I'll make sides." The older woman spoke.

Y/N nodded as she got to work.


The pack of wolves were scattered around the forest, Seth and Leah being the only exception as they stayed together.

Embry let out a huff as he leaned his humongous form against a tree, the wood cracking slightly under his weight.

What's wrong with you lover boy? Jacob asked, his voice echoing through the minds of the wolves.

Yeah, you seem bored more than usual, Paul joked.

It's stupid, Embry huffed.

Hey, you can trust us, Sam said softly.

I know that, it's just... I'm scared. The shifter ranted.

Of? Leah asked, suddenly interested.

I love Y/N, with all my heart but...

You didn't imprint did you? Sam asked understandably.

No I didn't. I just can't imagine myself with anyone but her. And I don't want to hurt her but I don't want to lose her either.

There was a moment of silence before Leah spoke up. As someone who had experience with this problem before, I think it would be best to end it. The worst thing you could do is lead her on.

Sam let out a grimace that went unnoticed by the pack members.

Maybe he just can't imprint? Seth suggested.

Of course he can imprint! Every wolf can imprint. Paul argued.

Guys- Sam began.

Maybe it's because he's stupid, Quil quipped.

It's called mentally challenged, Jacob added with a chuckle.

Wai- Sam was once again cut off.

Don't be assholes, this is really affecting him. Leah growled.

Newborn! Sam warned as he ran after it.

A loud yelp escaped Embry as the newborn vampire jumped on his back. The other wolves growled, running to their friend as the newborn wrapped it's arms around Embry's neck, squeezing hard. Embry thrashed around, standing on his hind legs and throwing his back into the tree behind him.

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