Emmett Culen | Fated Mate (II)

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By : it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream | Tumblr

*Alice pov - vision-* (Short gap filler)

Alice smiled as she looked at her family sitting around the living room talking among themselves. It was the first time she'd seen everyone looking so happy. A lot had happened recently, Bella having little Nessie as Jake like to call her, standing up to the Volturi when they came to Forks... everything was going back to normal. At least she thought it was going back to normal.

Emmett and Rosalie have constantly been fighting, you could see the love just wasn't there anymore. They never argued but something had changed, had been changing for a long time, we just didn't want to see it. It was probably hard knowing you weren't with your true soulmate. Rosalie's had been killed a long time ago and Emmett had never found his, so when they got together, no one really thought twice about what could happen in the future.

Busy dusting the book shelves, Alice picked up a picture frame and looked at it with a sad smile. It was of you and her, you hadn't been in Forks long but you became friends. Until the day Alice knew she had to distance herself from you so you didn't get caught up in the vampire life. You couldn't get hurt. It wasn't fair to you. It was hard, watching you sit alone, not being able to talk to you. But everyone thought they were protecting you, even Bella.

As soon as the thought had crossed her mind, Alice dropped the frame and screamed, the glass shattering around her bare feat, Jasper and the others rushing to her in an instant.

"Jas we have to get to her now!" It was very rare to see Alice this panicked, crying even. Jasper could feel her panic and it was overwhelming.

"Get to who Alice? What did you see?" Bella looked at her sister in Law in concern.

"Y/N, she's at La Push cliffs, she's going to jump." Alice grabbed her coat while everyone was shouting, Bella was being held down by Edward and Carlisle. She wanted to help her cousin, but being a new vampire, it wasn't a good idea. Especially if this went the way Alice's vision played out.

"Bella, Bella, look me and Jasper are going to stop her okay, we need to go. Stay here! We will be back soon." Alice gave Carlisle a knowing look and thought loudly so Edward could hear her.

"Help Carlisle prep a room." Edward looked at his sister and gave a small nod.

Before Alice knew it she was stood looking at you standing at the edge of the cliff, your arms are covered in scars and your eyes were swollen from the crying. Jasper could feel the pain radiating off you in waves and as much as she tried to talk you down it was too late. She knew what she had done was selfish, she had abandoned you without any explanation. You jumped and there was nothing the pair could do as they watched you plunge into the icy waves below.

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