Quil Ateara | That's For Coming Back

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By : wiltingdaisies | Tumblr

the long awaited quil ateara imagine

wc: 7.7k enjoy this long fic

quil ateara x swan!imprint!reader

* starts off with some exposition. when i started this, i had every intention of making it a quil x reader. and it sort of is. but like, more so towards the end hahaha. i got kind of carried away with everything. i promise it does get interesting.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

When Bella took off to live with Dad in Forks, I knew I couldn't follow her just yet. Mom needed me too much. And even though she felt bad for uprooting me and moving me across the country with her and Phil, I didn't really mind. I loved my dad, but I honestly felt like I needed a break from Bella.

Bella and I are twins, though we're not completely identical. We definitely look similar—you wouldn't mistake that we're sisters—but we don't look like the same person. We've always been attached at the hip and as great as it is to have a sister who you can do everything with, it also makes it difficult to make your own friends and be your own person.

So when Bella decided to move to Forks, I made the decision to stay—at least for the rest of the school year. Once I was about to start my senior year, I decided, I would move to Forks too.

The months I spent in Jacksonville with my mom, going to a new school, and making my own friends were the best months of my life. And this time, leaving was difficult. But I knew that I had to. Bella hadn't sent any emails in awhile and she didn't call as often as she used to. When the school year ended and summer began, I packed my things and moved to rainy Forks, Washington to live with Bella and my dad.

"Hey, (y/n)," Dad greets me as I step off the plane, giving me an awkward side hug, though I can tell he's happy to see me, "It's been awhile, hasn't it. I can't believe how old you are now."

"Hi Dad."

As we're walking back to his police cruiser, he speaks again, "I don't really have an extra room for you, but Bella said she doesn't mind sharing her room with you. If you don't mind that is. I could always clear out the storage room though and we could turn it into a bedroom if you'd prefer that."

I hadn't shared a room with Bella since we were preteens. Once we both reached "teenager" we wanted our own rooms and our own freedom. I didn't mind sharing a room with Bella, but she'd always been more adamant about boundaries and space. What had changed?

"No," I shake my head, smiling a little, "I don't mind sharing. And if sharing a room again gets to be too much, I'll let you know and I'll clean out the storage room myself."

We ride the rest of the way from Seattle to Forks in silence, but it isn't uncomfortable. I drift in and out of sleep and Dad messes around with the radio, mumbling to himself about whatever's playing occasionally. When we finally pull up in front of his house, he helps me bring my things inside and then takes me back outside where an old car is parked. I hadn't noticed it before, but I noticed it now.

A silver Honda Civic from the 80s. It's significantly newer than Bella's old truck, but much more my style. I grin at Dad. "Wow."

"I had Jake fix it up for you. I saved it from getting crushed at the dump. I knew it was out of shape, but taking it to Jacob showed me just how bad it was. Regardless, he got it up and running. Good as new. I figured you wouldn't want to carpool with your sister everywhere. And Jake was more than happy to fix the car up. You like it?" He looks almost nervous, like he's worried I'll want him to take it back.

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