200. Alec Volturi | Tied To You

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By : like-rain-or-confetti | Tumblr


The worst was supposed to be over with once you had got Edward.
Although the Volturi had other ideas.
Aro wanted to see Edward again and the taller guard insisted that you and Bella had to go too.
It was then that Alice clutched your hand, making you turn to her.
"No matter what happens. I need you to trust me. Don't fight against anything that happens. It's important."
You frowned in confusion at Alice's instructions but complied regardless. "I'll be with you every step of the way."
You hadn't known what she meant by that. You weren't sure why such a statement was necessary yet the grim expression on her face as well as Edward's made your stomach drop.

You followed in the middle of the group silently, casting nervous glances to Bella every now and then. A blonde girl opened a set of double doors that had enchanting detail and looked heavy without even having to touch it.
"Sister, you were sent out for one and returned with two...and two halves." A boy took a few steps forward towards the blonde girl. "Such a clever girl."
"What a happy surprise!" A man with black hair who stood from his throne in the middle smiled. "Bella is alive after all! I love happy endings, but they are so rare."
You looked around the room. Vampires dressed in assortments of grey's and blacks were at various sides of the room. Almost like a clock formation. Your eyes locked on one in particular though.

The boy who was related to the blonde girl was staring at you. The atmosphere around the room shifted. Although you were certain it was only for you. You didn't even notice as the room went quiet the silent exchange between you and the boy becoming centre of attention. You were barely aware of your heart pounding in your chest. You were drawn to him, yet also terrified.
You let out a shaky breath and it caught the attention of the three leaders and the Cullen's, as well as every other guard in the room.
"My, oh my, what do we have here?" Aro tilted his head, looking between you both.
The leader on the left slowly rose to a stand. "They have a bond." His voice was raspy as though he hadn't spoken in a long time. Aro looked over his shoulder at him before being in front of the leader in moments.
"Let me see, brother." Aro said with a gleam in his eye. Aro took his hand. "What a surprise! Our Alec shares a mating bond with this human."
The blonde's expression shifted to one of disbelief before annoyance, placing his face into his hand.
Whilst everything was silent, the shock in the air couldn't be ignored. That was when you remembered Alice's words and you couldn't help but think that she knew exactly what you had been walking into.
You tore your eyes away from 'Alec' to look over your shoulder. Alice met your gaze and her expression said it all, the guilt rushing through her as she watched you, now a deer in headlights with no idea what was happening around you.
"It's okay, (Y/N)." Alice said softly.
Bella, on the other hand looked at the two Cullen's with disbelief. Edward simply tugged her closer to him.

Aro approached you at a human pace, seemingly catching on your growing fear. "My name is Aro, behind me is Marcus and Caius. Might you give me your hand?" You were frozen in place. before Edward spoke up softly. "Aro can read every thought you've had, similar to my gift. Give him your hand."
You shakily lifted your hand with uncertainty.
Aro was quick to grasp your hand, cradling it between his own. "Ah, I see you are the sibling of Isabella. (Y/N). You eventually discovered our secret on your own and have since kept our secret without even consideration of telling other humans. You tend to keep to yourself, don't you?" Aro tilted his head slightly as he spoke mostly to himself. "You don't quite know yourself, just why you are here. Although that seems to be a theme in your life...following your sister. There is a lot of loyalty. You'll find with our kind that we deeply appreciate loyalty."
You weren't sure if that was a compliment or an insult with your lack of independence.
"It has it's benefits." Aro said with a calm voice and then you remembered he could hear your thoughts. "I am certain that our dear Alec, would love to make your acquaintance."
You were quite certain that was a lie and the crack of a smile Aro gave you only proved you correct.

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