Paul Lahote

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By : wolfpackimagines14 | Tumblr

Request: Could you write paul x reader story were the reader gets hurt a work (maybe she sprains or breaks her wrist or something) and she tells her coworker to not tell/call her boyfriend cause she'll tell him in person otherwise he'll be like a hurricane on a war path but her coworker calls paul anyways and he rushes to see the reader either at work or the hospital and is freaking out


"Should I call Paul, (Y/N)?" my coworker, and friend, asked me frantically as she drove me to the emergency room.

"No, that's the last thing you should do," I replied firmly.

"I feel like he should know, (Y/N)," she tried to tell me, but I wasn't having it.

"Trust me, I'm fine," I told her.

"What if it's broken!?" (Y/F/N) exclaimed. "I heard a crack (Y/N)."

"It's just a sprain," I insisted.

"You don't know that," she sighed, pulling into the hospital parking lot.

"If Paul came to the ER he would flip shit on everyone for literally no reason... I'm fine (Y/F/N), my ankle isn't broken."

Paul and I had been together for nine months now and I don't know if it was the whole werewolf thing that made him so overprotective, but nonetheless he was. Most of the time it was endearing, but a small percentage of the time it was overbearing and could get annoying. And if he came to the hospital it would be apart of that small percentage.

He would be panicking and getting angry with the doctors for no reason and I didn't need that right now.

I limped my way into the ER with (Y/F/N)'s help and after sitting in the waiting room for a little bit I was taken to see the doctor. I was taken to get an X-ray, leaving (Y/F/N) alone in the room.

An hour later I was sitting on the bed in my room as the doctor wrapped my ankle in a cast. Turns out my ankle was actually broken. It was then that I heard a loud, familiar voice outside at the nurse's station.

I turned to (Y/F/N) and she didn't even look guilty.

"You called Paul?" I groaned.

"I'm not sorry," she huffed. "I was right, your ankle is broken and you're gonna need someone to take care of you. He was going to find out anyways."

"Can you at least go get him so he can stop making a scene?" I asked her, somewhat grateful, but not wanting to admit it.

She grinned at my defeated tone and practically skipped out of the room to save the nurses from Paul's frantic behavior.

"Babe!" he exclaimed, walking into the room behind (Y/F/N), rushing over to stand beside the bed.

"I'm fine!" was the first thing to come out of my mouth, but his eyes were trained on the doctor, who was just finishing up the cast.

"Is she okay?" he asked the doctor, ignoring what I had just said.

"Her ankle is broken," the doctor started. "She'll have to have this cast on for 4-8 weeks, it just depends on how fast it heels. She'll have to rest up and come in for check ups. I trust you can make sure she gets some rest."

"Yes, of course," Paul assured her.

"I'll be back with your discharge papers," the doctor finished up before leaving the room.

"I gotta head out, (Y/N)," (Y/F/N) informed me. "I'll stop by later this week, okay?"

"Okay, thank you," I told her sincerely.

"Yes, thank you for calling me (Y/F/N)" Paul told her, grabbing my hand and squeezing it softly.

"No problem," she smiled before leaving as well.

"Why didn't you call me right away?" he asked, the sad puppy dog look on his face making me break.

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed. "I was just in denial that it was actually broken and I was internally freaking out and I knew that you would be freaking out and I just couldn't deal with that and deal with the broken ankle at the same time."

"... I did kinda freak out didn't I?" he chuckled.

"Just a bit," I giggled. "I think you scared the poor nurses out there."

"Well (Y/F/N) didn't tell me what was wrong! I thought something worse might've happened."

"Well it's just a broken ankle," I sighed.

"Well a broken ankle means lots of resting up," he told me. "Do you want to stay over at my apartment for a little while? So I can keep an eye on you?"

"As long as we get to do some doctor-patient role playing situations," I smirked, wiggling my eyebrows half-jokingly.

"As intriguing as that sounds, babe, I think a broken ankle might be a problem if we have sex."

"Well I am not going 4-8 weeks without sex so we're gonna have to figure something out, dude."

"Did you just call me dude?" he laughed at me.

"Deal with it, you're the one who has to take care of me for 4-8 weeks."

"I'll take care of you forever," he smiled, kissing me softly.

"Stop being so cheesy," I blushed.

"You love it."

"Yeah... I do."

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