Embry Call | Soft Lips

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Summary: Embry imprinted on Y/N three months ago. Why is he holding back his feelings?


Y/N sat on the couch inside Emily's house, arms crossed and brows furrowed as she ranted. "He doesn't do anything!" She complained. "He told me I was his imprint three months ago and it's like he doesn't even want to be near me! We barely touch, a hug here and there, and even then it's over before it begins."

Emily hummed as she listened, stirring a pot of cheddar and broccoli soup on the stove. "Maybe he just wants to take it slow." She suggested.

Y/N had been raving about Embry since the pack had left for patrol two hours ago. They had been together, if you could even call it that, for a little over three months now. It was understandable at first, but after the one month mark, when she'd try to show him even the smallest amount of affection he'd just brush it off like dust on his shoulder. It hurt worse than she'd like to admit.

"I don't know... it's just... god am I clingy? I just want a loving kiss on the forehead or a cuddle once or twice. I don't think I'm asking for a lot. And it's not like I didn't try to talk to him about it." She sighed.

"Give it time. Finding an imprint is a once in a lifetime occurance, he could be scared. You never know."

Y/N nodded. "You're probably right, maybe I'm just overreacting." As much as she wanted to believe that her insecurities were eating at her. What if he thinks I'm ugly? What if he's having doubts? Am I even a good imprint? The thoughts nagged her brain.

Emily looked at her solemnly before clearing her throat to catch the younger girls attention. "How about you make the corn bread." She suggested with a small smile.

"Okay." Y/N got up, washing her hands and setting to work.


"Oh my god can you stop thinking about that!?" Jared growled as he shot a glare at Paul.

Patrol was slow so Sam had sent Paul, Jared and Embry to go grocery shopping for the house while the rest of them continued their duties.

"It's not my fault! Girl has got a hot bod." He groaned suggestively earning a disgusted glance from Embry.

"Some of us have girlfriends and don't want mental pictures of naked woman in our heads." He snapped.

"You should be grateful! It's the only naked girl you're ever going to see the way you're going." Paul snickered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Embry growled.

"Have you even seen Y/N naked?" Paul asked, a smug smirk covering half of his face.

"That's none of your business." Embry huffed.

"You guys don't even hold hands dude." Jared added as he grabbed three bags of grapes and threw them in the cart. "You act like she's your sister or something."

"I do not! And we hold hands all the time!" Embry's face flushed as he rolled his eyes.

Yeah, in your dreams.

Shut the fuck up Quill. Stupid fucking mental connection. Embry pouted.

"He's got a point." Paul snickered as he grabbed a magazine and flipped through it.

"I-" Embry began but closed his mouth. Why hadn't they done anything romantic? She tried to initiate things but he'd always brush her off without a reason. What was holding him back?

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