Demetri Volturi | It's A Little Awkward

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By : lacontroller1991 | Tumblr 

Summary: You met your mate the moment you opened your eyes to your new immortal un-life. He wasn't what you expected, and with pent up frustration at a life you didn't ask for exploding you ran from him. Circumstances cause the two of you to reunite unexpectedly.

Word count: 2.1k

Warnings: call me Avatar A A N G S T, baby. And repressed romantic feelings.


Life sucked and then you died, and woke up again. New. Strong. Too strong. Everything grated your senses and all you knew was fear.

Soaked from head to toe from a heavy flow of rain from above, you remember laying in a damp alleyway feeling... blank. It took a moment to even remember your name. The next thing you remembered were teeth in your shoulder. Fear clouded all your senses until someone hovered over you.

A man whose face brought you a sense of comfort unknown to you.

He helped you to your feet and shortly after you left with him. The calmness he brought to you was almost unnerving, with how foreign it was to your new body. You learned his name was Demetri, and when he whisked you away from the scary alleyway to the city of Volterra to his masters you learned another thing; soulmates existed. Or rather, the vampire equivalent of soulmates.

Joy filled your being at the prospect - a life partner! Someone to be there for you always. And Demetri was perfect.

Come your first feeding time, however, the joy turned into horror, and horror led to punishment by your new master's orders via a piercing stare from a young blonde teen and even more crushing, disappointment from your mate. So what did you do?

Panic, and smash through one of the Volturi castle's many windows in the dead of night, sprinting through the streets and to the countryside as fast as you could.

You'd been a nomad for six months now, travelling aimlessly around the world, going wherever you wanted. The Eiffel Tower? You climbed it for fun at 3 am once. The Grand Canyon? Been there, saw that, ate a tourist who catcalled you.

Nothing held you back anymore.

Your new immortal life would be one that didn't feel fear ever again. If you wanted to explore? You would do so. If you wanted to run away from crazy Italian vampires who liked to mind torture you? You sure as shit did just that.

One thing stayed on your mind though; Demetri.

God, you hated how things left off with him. After Jane's punishment session was over you stormed up to your shared quarters with Demetri and the row you two had practically shook the castle walls. He couldn't understand why you were so adverse to feeding the way he did, you couldn't understand why he would see it as horrible.

"You're literally rounding up innocent people to die, Dem," you had hissed, baring your teeth as you did so, anger fueled by your newborn instincts.

"People no one would miss," he snapped back dismissively, rolling his eyes at your reaction. "We do our homework, cara mia."

"Oh my god!?" You walked away from him to stare out the window, hands in your hair gripping the roots in frustration. "That does not make it okay? And don't get me started on the pit where you dispose of the bodes..."

Demetri sighed from behind you. "You're a vampire now Y/N. Feeling bad for your diet is a habit you can't afford to have anymore. It's how you will survive."

A violent snarl ripped through your throat, startling yourself and him. "It's not that! I don't mind the whole hunting humans thing. It's your coven's methods that I find completely messed up."

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