Demetri Volturi | Letters from Last Summer

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By : avyannadawn | tumblr

Pairing: Demetri Volturi x gender-neutral reader

Warning: Angst; betrayal; a smidge of fluff at the end (if you squint)


White-hot thunder cracked across the stark blue sky, the flash lighting up your kitchen for a moment before perishing, leaving you in complete darkness again. With a heavy sigh, you turned from the rain coated window and made your way to the living room. The chamomile tea clasped between your hands warming you slightly better than the frosty room you walked into.

Everything seemed to be an effort lately, whether it was finding the will to maneuver yourself out of the warmth of your bed or simply boiling the kettle for tea. Every action you seemed to make weighed down on your consciousness, the movement hammering into you, draining any energy you convinced yourself you had.

With another sigh, you reclined into the warmth of the sofa, letting the soft fabric enclose around your frame as you sink into it. Lulling your head to the side, you allowed your mind to drift to your mate. The memories of his tender kisses, soft caresses and lingering gazes. The times where you would curl up into the side of his cold body as he read to you, his gentle voice soothing you as he spoke of the adventures written in the pages between his hands. The small smiles and mischievous winks he would send you sent little butterflies to your stomach.

Your eyes glazed over like freshly cut glass, the ghost of his presence lingering within your every movement. Squinting your eyes shut in an attempt to block the tears, your heart quenching at the emptiness his departure brought.

A letter. A bloody letter. That was all that he left.

Déjà vu hit you like a freight train when you walked through the door of your apartment. Expecting to see your lover rather than all that awaited you was a letter.

Your vision fogged over with the memory of your mother, of seeing her standing in the kitchen, clutching a note as hot tears streamed down her cheeks. You watched silently as your mother sobbed from the counter. Her body rocking back and forth as she cried out, your father nowhere in sight. "He's gone, baby," your mother whispered, voice cracking as she spoke. "He's not coming back."

Abruptly standing, pushing off from the sofa, you drained your now cold tea. You were tired, beyond tired. Seven months had passed, and yet all she could do was think of him. Reminisce of the memories you made with the vampire, the love the two of you once shared. He was your counterpart, he completed you. And now he is gone.

A knock reverberated through the apartment, pulling you away from your thoughts. Walking hesitantly to the door, you glided the bolt through the barrel, jarring the oak door open enough to glimpse who stood behind it. Your heart dropped when you saw him, his hair glimmering in the soft glow of your porch lights. Slamming the door shut, you clench your eyes, attempting to steady your racing heart.

"Y/n," Demetri's voice spoke gently through the door. "Cara, please open this door." Your eyes fogged over with tears as you stared at the ceiling, trying to hone the tears in. "No," you hated the way your voice cracked, a sob rising in the back of your throat. "Please leave me alone, Dem."

You stood there for a few moments, collecting yourself, listening out for him, but no sound came from beyond the door. You didn't want him to leave again. All you wanted to do was curl into his arms and listen to him talk, but you couldn't, not again.

A cool hand touched your arm, startling you. Jumping back, you looked up into the worried eyes of your mate. You shook your head, stepping back, but he had already pulled you to him. "No," you whisper, hating how you melted into him. "No, please just stop."

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