Paul Lahote | I Didn't Believe In Soulmates, But...

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By : wiltingdaisies | Tumblr

pairing: paul lahote x imprint!reader
genre: fluff
words: 1293
warnings: none
additional notes: this is a bit of a slow burn. it's pretty short and there's not a ton of paul interaction but i think it's cute and if i get time in the future i may write a second part (:
requested: yes (:
"Hello ! NOT sure how to ask, a request for paul lahote / twilight where they first meet and he imprints her !"


I breathe deeply as I step out of my old truck. One thing is for sure, the air is definitely much clearer in Forks than it ever was in Seattle. I look around at the forest directly behind my new house― the backyard fades into forest about 200 feet from the house. The house is a little rickety seeing as it was built in the late 60s or early 70s, but it's nothing a little tender lover and care can't fix.

I turn at the sound of the moving truck pulling up behind me. As I think of my new life in Forks, Washington, I can't help but smile. It was due time I get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The rural area would be perfect for me.

The rest of my afternoon is spent moving boxes and furniture into the new house and getting things somewhat set up before I head into town for groceries. After buying enough groceries for the next couple of weeks, I stop by a diner that's close to the grocery store.

Once seated, the girl who takes my order, Kim, smiles at me kindly, "You must be new. I've never seen you around town before. What's your name?"

"I'm (y/n). I just moved here today. From Seattle."

"Wow, really? What brings you here?"

I shrug and sigh, "I just needed a break from the city life. How long have you worked here, Kim?"

"Oh, I only started recently. I'm taking online classes for college so I needed to pick up a part time job in order to pay for them. I actually live down on the reservation, but the jobs here in Forks pay better and I don't mind the drive. It's not too long."

I nod my head. "I've been interested in visiting the reservation. Do you guys mind visitors?"

"Not at all!" Her face lights up with excitement, "Some of the other guys and girls our age meet down at La Push Beach on the weekends. You should join us!"

"Okay, I would love to." I smile a little at her enthusiasm.

"Cool! I'll go put your order in now. Sorry to take up your time!"

"It's no problem. I'm glad to have met you."

That week, I finish settling into my house. I work from home so it's easy to move in and still get work done. When the weekend finally rolls around, I feel slightly nervous about going down to the reservation but after texting Kim about it, I feel my nerves dying down. She assures me they'll be more than welcoming.

Saturday morning, I change out of my pajamas into jeans and a t-shirt, throwing on a light jacket and a pair of sneakers. I brush my hair and decide it looks decent enough. I finish getting ready and text Kim that I'm on my way to the beach.

I park my truck in the parking lot by the edge of the beach and take a minute to collect myself, forcing my anxiety to the back of mind and reminding myself that Kim would be there, so I wouldn't be completely alone. After a few minutes of sitting in my truck preparing myself, I turn the engine off and step out, shoving my keys and my phone in the pocket of my jacket.

I make my way down to the beach and instantly see a group of young men and women hanging out. Blankets are spread out in the sand where young couples sit together, a volleyball net is set up and some of the girls hit a ball back and forth over the fence, and a few of the boys kick a soccer ball around in the sand. Before I make my way over to them, I look for Kim, deciding it would be best to make a beeline to her so she can introduce me to others. I find her sitting on one of the blankets by herself cheering on one of the boys playing soccer― a boy I assume is her boyfriend Jared who she's told me a lot about.

I walk towards her quickly, pushing my hands in my pockets to avoid fidgeting with them nervously. She looks over towards me when she notices me in her peripheral and stands up, meeting me halfway with a warm hug. "You came!"

I smile at her and nod, "Yeah I did. Decided it might be best to make more than one friend."

"Well you're definitely in the right place," she smiles brightly. "Come on, I'll introduce you to some of the girls."

She leads me towards the girls who are playing volleyball while others sit on blankets watching. "This is Rachel, that's Emily, and this is Leah."

She introduces me to a few other girls but I don't remember them as well because they only wave briefly towards me. "That guy over there is Sam. He and Emily are married. That one is Jared, he's my boyfriend. Then there's Seth, Embry, and Quil. Jacob isn't here right now, but he's kind of a big part of our little group, and that," she points to the last boy who's looking at me with the soccer ball in his hands, "is Paul."

I look up at his face and the world seems to stand still. I've never been the type to believe in "love at first sight" or "soulmates" but something about the electric shock that jolts from the top of my head to the bottoms of my feet when our eyes meet makes me reconsider. He's just so... physically alluring. There's something akin to fire that burns in his eyes and sends shivers down my spine.

Kim gives me a knowing look― one that I don't quite understand. How could she understand the way this... Paul makes me feel when she's never even been attracted to a boy other than Jared? She puts a hand on my shoulder, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I tear my eyes away from Paul to give Kim a small, reassuring smile. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Kim opens her mouth to say something, but a man's voice speaks from behind me instead. "Hey. I haven't seen you around here before. I'm Paul."

I turn around, eyes wide as I see his face up close. He's even more attractive in this proximity and I suppress a shudder from the electricity that seems to surge through my body for the second time. "I'm (y/n). I just moved here from Seattle at the beginning of this week."

"Cool," he grins almost wolfishly at me and it makes my heart thump loudly in my chest. "There's gonna be a bonfire down at the rez today. You're more than welcome to join if you're free. I'd love to see you there. Maybe get to know you better. Only if you want to, of course. Kim will be there too along with a lot of us who are down here right now."

I look over at Kim and she looks back at me excitedly, nodding a little as if to urge me to agree. I turn back to Paul and grin back at him. "Then I'll be there."

"Great," Paul seems to bite back his smile a little as he shoves his hands in the pockets of his jean shorts and looks down at his feet, almost shyly, "I'll see you then."

I watch as he jogs back to the other boys playing soccer who laugh loudly and grab him, putting him in a playful headlock and messing with his hair. Kim grabs my arm and turns me to face her, smirking slightly at me. "I think you just got yourself a date with Paul Lahote."

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