Emmett Cullen | Rebellion

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By : stanathanxoox | Tumblr

Could you do a Cullens x rebel teen reader where she's just the trouble maker at school always doing stupid things, and she's best friends with Em, and he encourages her and he eventually brings R over and they think she's all shy, they leave the room for 5 minutes and come back to R standing on the balcony shouting about what sort of flip to do, and they panic when she does a flip, turns out she's got enhanced healing? I love your fics and you ❤️


Pulling your jacket closer to your body as the cold wind blew causing you to shiver as you got out of the car. You were walking through the entranceway to the school when you felt his arms come around you in a big bear hug, and a hand being rubbed against the top of your head, to mess up your perfectly styled by pillow hair.

"Hey Em" you grin at the man, and he smiles

"Hey there short stack" he teases, a lazy grin on his face and you glare playfully

"Hey, I am not short" you say, rising to your full height of 5'9". He chuckles,

"Whatever you say shorty". As the two of you make your way towards your locker to chuck your bag in there, you weren't planning on attending your first two classes, and had already organised a small gathering under the bleachers with you and a couple of mates. Emmett leans next to your locker, arms folded across his very muscled chest

"So planning on coming to any of your classes today?" he asks and you close your locker slowly

"You know that's not really my scene Em, two periods of English literature, um no thanks" you say and he sighs

"You know what will happen if you fail this class Y/N" he says and you shrug

"That's just the thing though Emmett, it's English literature, my best topic, I get notes from you or Katie and then I read through those notes and I'm good. I have never failed an assessment or a test yet" you say and he sighs

"Fine, whatever. I guess I'll see you at morning tea my little rebel" he says and you nod with a smile.

"See you later Em".

It was odd, your friendship with Emmett had started because the two of you had shared an interest in the same topic when researching for one of your assignments the year before, from then onwards you were practically inseparable. That was until your mother became one of the teachers at Forks High School and you lost all interest in actually attending her classes, it was enough to push your rebellious ways to the breaking point, you'd been kicked out of her class on more than one occasion due to a silly comment or other reason and so now you just refused to show up. You and your mother hadn't been close in years, especially after she and your father had divorced, so it was the best arrangement you could think of. You would always join the others under the bleachers, and whilst they were all smokers you refused to light anything, you tended to just sit and chat with them.

It was during lunch later that day that Emmett invited you over to spend some time with his family that weekend. You raise an eyebrow at him and ask

"Wait? Why?" he chuckles before Edward says as Rosalie shoots you a glare

"I guess Carlisle and Esme want to meet the one who Emmett literally spends every free minute talking about" your jaw drops

"What?" you ask turning towards Emmett and he smiles

"You're my best friend Y/N, the first one I've had in years and you know what we are. I think you'll enjoy your time with us this weekend" he says and you think it over

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