Paul Lahote | Killing Me Softly

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Summary: Paul questions his imprinting after his human imprint, Y/N, gets attacked by a vampire, venom already going to work when he reaches her.
Warnings: Gore, Blood, Swearing, Angst, Happy Ending

It all happened so fast.

She could feel her heart pounding.

Hard pants leaving her lips as she ran.

The sounds of her footsteps pounding against the concrete sidewalk.

The monster watching her run, laughing at her feeble attempts to get away.

She knew it was useless, god was she stupid.

A gargled cry left her lips as the creature grabbed her arm roughly, a crack echoing through the empty streets as it snapped.

The scream about to leave her was cut off by a hand wrapping around her throat, squeezing roughly.

"Too bad the mutts couldn't save you." It teased.

It wasn't supposed to end like this.

A tear rolled down her cheek as a single thought crossed her mind.


{7 Hours Earlier...}

Y/N walked into Emily's house carrying five boxes of pizza, Paul trailing behind her carrying another eight. "We brought food!" She called.

Sam came over, grabbing a couple of boxes as Jared and Embry did the same.

"You're a life saver Y/N." Emily gushed as she hugged the woman.

"You need a break once in a while." She responded.

"Paul you've got the best imprint!" Quil commented, mouth full of sausage pizza.

"Trust me I know." Said man chuckled and wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist, resting his head on her hers.

"You guys aren't going to eat?" Sam asked as he grabbed some slices for himself.

"We went through three boxes already."

"You went through three boxes." Y/N laughed rolling her eyes. "I had a sub."

"Thank you Y/N!" Seth said as he grabbed a box to share with Leah.

Leah sent the girl a smile and a nod before she dug in as well.

A chorus of "Thanks!" And "You're the best!" erupted from the group.

"No problem you guys." Y/N said before giving Paul a quick peck. "I'll see you in a bit, yeah?"

"You're leaving already?" Leah asked.

"Yeah, I've gotta get to work. Those pizzas didn't pay for themselves." She joked.

Paul frowned and hugged her tightly. "Why can't you call out? Just for today?" He nuzzled himself into the crook of her neck.

"It's only a six hour shift today. You'll see me when I get out." She ran her fingers through his hair.

"Gross get a room!" Embry yelled.

Y/N rolled her eyes before gently pushing Paul away. "I'll see you at home." She said before waving goodbye to others and leaving the house.


Why didn't she stay with Paul? Why didn't she call out of work?

Her good arm trembled as she tried to reach for her phone subtly, the hand around her throat tightening.

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