Emmett Cullen | Fated Mate (IV)

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By : it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream | Tumblr


Emmett x Reader

Warning - Killing

It'd had been a couple of hours now since you had woken up. After Rose dropped the bomb, Emmett flipped out at her, and Carlisle and Esme quietly took me through to the library and sat me down explaining everything about vampires. The fact that there were werewolves, there were bad vampires, good vampires, new borns, which I was one of apparently. They told me about vampires gifts, like Alice. She could see things coming, that's how she knew I was at the cliff. I shivered thinking about it.

I wasn't as freaked out as I thought I would be. I always knew I was meant to be different and didn't fit in properly. Maybe this is what was supposed to happen all along. It was practically every alternative child's dream come true. They told me how they never fed on humans and only hunted animals. Talked about why Bella had been distant and told me how she too had been turned.

I'm not gonna lie, it was a lot to take in and I sat there just sort of, I don't know, staring into space. That was until I felt the burning in my throat. Carlisle had explained I'd be hungry. I guess burgers weren't on the menu anymore.

Your eyes went black as you caught whiff of something heavenly. Before you knew what was happening you were up and running toward the front door at full speed, Esme and Carlisle calling after you. Hungry, so hungry. Your stomach rumbled and your throat burned. You were completely zoned out as Jasper ran toward you trying to stop you from your first human meal. You were stronger than him though, Carlisle had explained that Newborns were the strongest kind of vampires in their first few months. You flipped him over with ease, throwing him into a nearby coffee table. You had your hand on the door handle when you felt your body being picked up off the ground.

You growled out "Emmett put me down!" you turned on him and punched him in the jaw. You could get used to this. His head whipped to the side and you expected him to be angry but instead he smirked and grinned at you.

"Oh this is going to be fun." He chuckled and his face contorted into anger as he picked you up over his shoulder holding your arms into your sides running at vampire speed with you away from the human that had come to the Cullen's home.

When he thought he had you far away enough, he placed you down on the ground, letting you fall on your ass. You glared at him and he just stood cockily with his arms crossed against his chest.

He could tell you were hungry, your eyes were black. Your throat was aching and you whimpered. His cocky gaze faltered. He came up behind you and turned you around so you faced the forrest. His hard chest and abs pressed against your back. Your head only reaching his pecks. He was a giant in comparison. You shivered at the close proximity. Emmett had never been this close to you the whole time you'd lived in Forks. It did things to you and you didn't know why.

"Just focus Y/N, listen, what do you hear, try and smell your prey. You can do it." He brushed some hair over your shoulder and placed his hand at the small of your back. You closed your eyes and listened. You could hear the rushing of water, the rustling of leaves, you thought you could even hear the scurrying of beetles as they hurried along the dirt. Then you hear it. The loud grunting noise. You looked at Emmett kind of for permission and he smiled and nodded. You ran. You ran as fast as you could. This was the first time you'd felt happy in a long time as you watched the trees blur past you, colours crashing together like a Picasso painting. You could sense Emmett following behind you but he wasn't as fast as you were. You came to a skidding stop and hid behind a boulder. The buck was just a few meters in front of you, you crouched and like a predator dove for the animal with a snarl and sunk your teeth into it's neck. You watched as it's glossy black eyes became dull and rolled into it's head. You could feel the blood dripping down your mouth but you didn't care. You were starting to feel more whole than you'd ever felt your whole life. This is who you were meant to be.

You looked up at Emmett who looked at you with awe on his face. What a weirdo. You stood up and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. The pain in your throat was gone and you felt powerful.

"So, what now?" You tilted your head and Emmett seemed to snap out of his thoughts.

"Let's get back to the others before they start to worry." You followed Emmett back at the same pace he was going. Now you didn't have the burn in your throat distracting you, you started to feel everything crashing down on you at once. You had tried to kill yourself. You did kill yourself. They were partly the reason you killed yourself. You were brought back. As a vampire......

You stopped outside the Cullen's glass house and fell to your knees. Edward came out of the house, your thoughts were so loud he couldn't help but hear them. Jasper followed too, being able to feel all your emotions at once. It was overwhelming. You don't know how long you sat like that. You just know it began to get dark and Bella had to come and get you, wrapping her arm around your shoulders, guiding you into the house. You noticed Jasper constantly had his eye on you. Esme had told you about his past, training newborns. I guess he was just being cautious.

That night, everyone sat around you, telling your everything you needed to know. They even spoke to you about their individual powers, Edwards mind reading, Alice's visions, Jaspers control over emotion, Bella's shield, Emmett's insane strength. It was fascinating to you. You wondered if you had any gifts like the others. They told you about soulmates too, Alice and Jasper, Carlisle and Esme, Bella and Edward. You had wondered why they'd not mentioned Emmett and Rosalie, but something was telling you to let that one slide. So not only might you have a special ability, you'll also have a soulmate?

You looked to Alice, about to ask if she knew who yours was but she shook her head as if knowing what you were going to say. It wasn't a no I don't shake it was more a no don't ask here shake, so you let it slide.

For the rest of the night you stayed in the library alone reading about vampire history. You had so much to learn, things were happening you didn't even think were possible. You heard a shuffle from outside the door and turned to glimpse Jasper standing outside it. You had a new found freedom yet you still felt caged.

At least tomorrow you were going to find out if you had any abilities and Jasper agreed to train you. You still had to talk to Bella and Alice about the events that lead to your turning. But that could wait just now.

You sat back engrossed in a book and let the world fade away. This was now your life and there was no going back.


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