Caius Volturi | Immortal Child

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: Hey I saw the request open, if you have time could you do a twilight x reader fic. One where the reader is categorize as a immortal child, maybe she's Caius child before he was changed and when he did get turned he changed her by accident since he thought he had killed her; and the volturi comes across her and Caius is just happy to have his child back in his life. Maybe that's why he's also so bitter and cold hearted


The Volturi were furious to say the least. It was very rare that someone was accused of creating an immortal child, but when it did happen, the Kings took it very seriously.

A hand gripped yours very tightly. The hand belonged to the woman who had raised you since you were turned years ago. While the Volturi may have been under the impression that you were an immortal child, they were wrong. You hadn't been changed until you were 12 years old, only slightly younger than the Witch Twins.

You didn't remember much of your human life - only bits and pieces. You couldn't remember your mother or the friends you had. You could barely remember your father - all you knew was that he was turned years before you were. You often wondered where he was.

Further ahead, you could see a cloud of black cloaks rushing towards you. Though the sight was dark, you didn't feel afraid. You felt at peace, as if nothing bad was going to happen.

The woman's grip grew tighter on your hand, but you only squeezed back slightly as you tried to reassure her. Her face was tight with worry, but she managed to slip a cool mask on once the Volturi stood in front of you.

Aro was in the front, his pale face blank as he stared at you. His scarlet eyes moved from you to the twins he had brought with him, not noticing too many differences between you three. You looked to be the same age.

His eyes flickered to the woman. "This is the child in question?"

"Yes, sir." She answered quietly, though her voice did not waver.

Aro hummed, turning slightly to motion to the other two kings. You watched as two other men joined him - one with long brunette hair and another with blonde hair. The blonde looked familiar to you and judging by the look on his face, he recognized you too.

His face twisted into shock once his eyes landed on you, his lips parting in disbelief. He was walking towards you before he knew it, dropping on his knees in front of you. "Y/n?"

You were confused. It showed very clearly on your face as you looked from the King to the woman who had taken care of you. While the man looked familiar, you couldn't think of where you knew him from. "Yes?"

"It's me." Caius slowly reached for your hand, a smile forming on his lips. "Your father."

Suddenly it hit you. Memories of your father and you as a human danced through your mind. He looked different in your memories - still with the same blonde hair, but with tanner skin and deep blue eyes. You remembered the night he was taken from you, bitten by a vampire and never seen again.


Caius let out an incredulous laugh before he grabbed you, wrapping his arms tightly around your frame. His face was buried into your neck as you embraced, and your arms came to wrap around his own neck.

Aro watched the scene with a happy smile, clapping his hands victoriously. "Well isn't this a happy surprise! Y/n is not an immortal child after all. Caius has reunited with his daughter!"

Caius released you, turning towards the other woman. She looked sad, clearly understanding what would happen now. You would be taken back to Volterra to live for eternity. "Thank you for taking care of her."

It was the most sincere Caius had been in centuries. The woman nodded with a tight smile, gently hugging you as she told you goodbye. He smiled at you warmly again, standing as he grabbed your hand tightly. "Let's go home then, darling."

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