The Cullens | Attack and Recovery

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By : stanathanxoox | Tumblr

anonymous asked: hey :D if you are willing to, could you write a twilight imagine where the reader is the youngest Cullen (also vampire) and while chasing Victoria she crosses accidentally to the wolves side and one of them attacks her and she gets hurt nad everyone gets super worried especiall the guys? It's fine if not, but thank you! I love your blog btw


None of them had wanted you to come, they had all asked you to stay put, to have a girl's night with Bella or stand guard outside her room and not come on the hunt but you had wanted to join them, wanted to help your brothers and sister get the red head, get Victoria because she was hunting and threatening your best friend. Being 16 when you were changed ten years ago by Carlisle, you were the youngest of Carlisle's children and so everyone of your siblings and parents were incredibly protective of you, especially your brothers.You had stayed at the house for five minutes after the others had left before you began to hunt following the scent Victoria had left. You followed the path for a good 5 miles before her scent veered off towards right, you could smell your siblings scent knowing that they had gone the other direction and so you decided to follow the other path. You ran and kept running until out of nowhere you feel a sharp pain in your shoulder you let out a blood curdling scream before you look and see the wolf with its jaw locked onto your shoulder the big brown eyes and almost snowy white fur shocks you and drop to your knees as you let out another scream

"F**K!!" you say as you feel like your world is growing darker. A scream can be heard from behind you as you hear your siblings running towards you

"Seth drop her now" you hear Edward calling out angrily to the wolf. The wolf whimpers not knowing what to do, a soft snort is heard from behind him and he walks towards the boarder and drops you

"Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie get Y/N back to the house, we'll try and sort this out" Edwards says and the next thing you know your being lifted into the all too familiar arms of your father. You nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck and he places a kiss on your sweaty forehead

"Shush Y/N, everything will be okay sweetheart" he says and you feel your eyes growing heavy as he runs.

The next thing you know your waking up in your bedroom, hooked up to a couple of different machines. You can hear the voices of your siblings

"Is Y/N going to be okay Carlisle?"

"Will the wound go down?"

"I hope she's going to be okay after this"

"Damn it why did she have to follow us?" Edward, Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett say. Carlisle sighs and says

"We shouldn't have left her by herself, she should've been with us in the first place. But that is in the past now. I thought we were doing the right thing by leaving Y/N behind but I can see now that I was wrong. She found the true path the Veronica took and we followed the dud". You moan, the pain in your shoulder still excruciatingly painful and you open your eyes

"Y/N, oh thank goodness" you hear Esme says as she throws her arms around you. You wrap your good arm around her and hold her close

"I'm okay mum" you say and she pulls back placing a kiss on your forehead

"You had us all so worried sweetheart" she says moving your hair out of your face and you smile

"Thank you for rescuing me, I thought I was a goner" you say and Carlisle frowns

"Don't ever say that baby girl" he says as he makes his way over to your bed and sits on the opposite side to Esme.

"But I was, if it hadn't of been for Edward reading the mind link between the wolves you probably wouldn't of even known that I was even injured" you say looking at Edward who looked away sheepishly and you knew that you were right.

"How are you feeling Y/N?" Jasper asks and you look up at your older brother

"Sore" you answer and he smirks

"Well, its going to take a little bit to get the wound to go down but its already beginning to heal" Carlisle says and you nod. Alice enters the room carrying a bag of your favourite snacks and lollies and she says in response to the raised eyebrows she gets from the others

"What? I had a vision that Y/N would be waking up soon and that she would be craving her favourite snacks" you chuckle before opening your arms for a hug and the snacks.

"Thanks Alice" you say and she beams

"Of course bubba" she say and she places a kiss on your forehead before she shoes everyone out of your room. Esme pauses by the door and says

"Rest up sweetheart, I love you" you smile

"Love you too mum".

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