Paul Lahote | Issues

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Summary: Paul and Y/N think about kids. It doesn't go as expected.
Warnings: Swearing, talk of death, domestic arguing, sexual themes

Paul was indifferent when it came to children.

It's not that he minded kids, he really didn't mind them at all. Whenever he was out and about and saw a small child, he'd make silly faces or coo at them. It was a funny sight to those who knew him for being a hothead.

He was just perfectly fine with being the fun uncle that spoiled all of his nieces and nephews with candy and toys before sending them back to their parents.

After meeting Y/N Cullen he knew that even if he did want children of his own, it probably wouldn't happen.

He was a shifter and she was a vampire, even if by miracle they conceived, that child wouldn't survive. It would probably be executed, either by the pack or the Volturi, though it didn't really matter since it'd never happen.

It had come as quite a shock when Y/N had asked Paul how he felt about kids while they were out shopping.

"How do you feel about adoption?" She'd asked as she pushed the shopping cart down the aisle. "I mean, obviously we can't have kids of our own, but I think adoption is something we can look at."

Paul swallowed thickly. "I don't know..." He mumbled, though she heard him clearly.

She stopped walking, turning to face him as she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "If it makes you feel better, I think you'd make a great dad."

He wished that was the problem he was having.

"Now do your friends like burgers or ribs better?"

He pointed to the burgers. "Why are you cooking for them anyways? Plus won't the blood from the meat make you all weird?" He asked, not so subtlety changing the topic.

"It's processed and has a bunch of weird shit in it. It's not very appetizing. And we aren't inviting them to Renesmee's birthday without there being food." She hummed as she threw things in the cart. "Anyways, Alice gave me a pamphlet for couples looking to adopt, I thought we'd check it out together."

"I don't think it's a good idea." He sighed.

"Why not?"

"Have you met us?" He asked, a laugh of disbelief leaving his lips. "You drink blood. Adding a human child to the mix would be horrible."

"What do you think I'm going to do? Eat the fucking kid?" Y/N growled, becoming defensive.

Paul rolled his eyes. "That's not what I meant and you know it."

"So what did you mean? Because the last time I checked I can control my blood lust pretty damn good." She huffed out.

Paul rubbed his temples. "We aren't having this conversation in a grocery store."

"We wouldn't be arguing if you weren't so pissy. What is your problem? You're acting like an asshole."

Paul clenched his jaw, the words slipping out before he'd even thought of them. "I may be an asshole but at least I'm alive."

Y/N paused, hand gripping the handle of the cart so hard it began to crack. "Low blow Paul. You act like you're all high and mighty until you pull a Sam and scar that kid for life. You wanna talk about dangers to kids? Look at your self."

"There was no need to bring that up, it was an accident and you know that." He hissed lowly.

"Yeah well you brought up the fact I don't breath, so I wouldn't talk." She bit back.

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