Demetri Volturi | Taken In

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: Can you write child/demetri story? The child got lost and Demetri and Felix found her and took her in, taking care of her?


Hot tears streamed down your face as you looked around the unfamiliar village. It was growing dark out and you were beginning to get scared.

You had only wanted to go for a walk, but you took a wrong turn, winding up in a strange village. All you wanted now was your parents.

A twig snapped to your left, causing you to whip your head around. Your bottom lip began to tremble as you looked around for the source of the noise.

Heavy footsteps sounded in front of you, and you looked ahead to see two men. The shorter of the two eyed you curiously, crouching down to your height, "are you okay?"

You stared at the red-eyed men in fear, and he spoke again, "are you lost?"

You nodded, reaching up to wipe your tears, "y-yes."

The man reached out his hand toward you, "I'll help you find them. I'm Demetri."

You took his hand, "y/n."

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